Monday, January 03, 2011

12 by 12 challenge results, Day 3!

Total weight loss so far this year - .8 lbs! 11.2 lbs to go!!

Weekly Totals - Starting 1/1/2011....
Miles - 5.25
Pushups - 60
Crunches - 100
Squats - 210

Daily results of 12 lbs by 12 months old challenge. Day 3....

Totals for the day -
Time - 48 mins
Calories burned - 553
Calories consumed - 1,334
Miles - 2.25
ST - 30 pushups
Crunches - 50
Squats - 210

ST with Cathe HIIT DVD Pyramid set with weights. Warm up from the DVD was 6 mins using 5 lbs DBs ( this was SOOO hard!) ST followed by an easy 2.25 mile run/walk

DB curls with squat - 100 reps with 5 lb DBs
Medicine ball chops with squats - 50 reps with a 10 lb medicine ball
Closegrip pushups - 30 reps
Crunches - 50 reps
Bicep curls with squat - 100 reps with 5 lb DBs
Squat with DB full moons - 50 reps
Shoulder press with squats - 50 reps with 5 lb DBs
Maroon p90x bands- bicep curls - 50 reps
Squat - 10 reps

What was on my plate for today....

Meal 1 - Egg beaters with turkey breast and spinach. 1 oat fit packet with ground flaxseeds. Morning detox drink blend

Meal 2 - 2 Oatbran pumpkin muffins with light and fit yogurt and simply fruit jam along with afternoon detox drink blend.

Meal 3 - 1/2 apple with .5 tbsp natural organic peanut butter, and lots of water

Meal 4 - Chipolte Salmon with Moms brown rice chicken gumbo. Evening detox drink blend

Meal 5 - Metabolic reset shake with mixed berries and FF milk

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

Way to go Jen!! Your'e an inspiration to us. You are making such progress, it's fantastic!!! Great job keeping a food and exercise log while trying to care for Michaela & Micah.