Sunday, January 23, 2011

12 by 12 challenge results, Day 23!!

Wellness totals for the year starting January 1st, 2011.....

Weight loss - 5.6 lbs!!! 6.4 lbs to go!! Almost half way there!
Inches loss - 4.5 inches!!
Miles - 67.39

Daily results of 12 lbs by 12 months old challenge. Day 23...

Time - 87 min run plus 25 min cool down - Kept my run easy and slow. Still managed to pull a good time and my knee felt great. Looks like slow is the way to go for me right now as my knee improves and I loose more weight.
Run 8 miles - Splits...

Calories burned - 1300
Calories consumed - 1,529

Meal 1 - Steel cut oats, flaxseeds, chia seeds, blueberries and apple

Meal 2 - Tilapia Ceviche salad. A small about of Tortilla soup, no cheese or chips. Water

Meal 3 - Raw nut burger from Whole foods, Homemade Kale, Dandelion, Lemon, Apple, Carrot, Bok Choy, Spinach and Parsley juice. Goat yogurt.

Meal 4 - 1/2 Raw Vegan Cheesecake from Whole foods.

Meal 5 - Detox tea and water with lemon 

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