Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tough times never last...

This weekend was hard. My last workout was Thursday, not by choice, I am having to rest my leg because I have pulled a muscle due to lack of stretching and overextending myself. It is a hard lesson to learn, but I am choosing to look at this as an opportunity rather than defeat. 

I will be focusing on my diet this week. It is true that 80% of how we look is based on what we eat! As for my workouts I will be doing Yoga and Pilates using the balance ball. I went for a long slow walk on Saturday which was good, but towards the end my leg was really bothering me and I had to go home to ice and care for it. I would like to get in at least 30 mins of walking in each day, until it has healed and I am strong enough to run again. 

This injury comes at a hard time for me as my husband and I are leaving for our vacation in just over a week, so I need to be really smart about what I am doing so I can be strong and healthy for the trip. 

My goals and plan have obviously changed from previous weeks but I think it is always good to reach for something - always have a goal in mind that you want to meet regardless of your limitations. 

Nutritional goals for the week - 

1. Continue to eat clean, non processed foods. My ratio for this week will be different as I do not need the high carbs for my runs. Fat - 20%, Carbs - 30%, Protein - 50% 
2. Drink 4 cups of Green, White or Red tea a day. 
3. Every morning wake my body up with 16 oz of water before eating. 
4. Maintain a daily caloric deficit of 400 - 600 

Physical goals for the week - 

1. Rodney Yee Yoga DVD and Cathe Core Max - 3 times 
2 . P90X CST and BB with Ab ripper X - 3 times using light weights. 
3. Walk at least 30 mins daily to start, then build up when leg is stronger to 60 mins - (slow running if possible) 

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