Sunday, October 23, 2011

November 1st Challenge 10/23 Results!

Now that I reached my 12 by 12 goal, I am ready for a new challenge, big surprise I know :) I am always reaching for new things and this time is no exception. I set a goal on August 1st to lose another 12 lbs by my 12th wedding anniversary which is December 21st.  I reached this goal far sooner than I could have dreamed! It was the morning of October 20th that I stepped on the scale and reached a major goal in my weight loss journey.

I still have more goals this year in terms of my weight but that will have to wait for now. I am going to aim for another 5 lbs before the end of the year, but it is not my main focus. Over the next few days my husband and I are embarking on a new challenge. One that does not involve weight but rather fitness.

From now until November 1st we are aiming for 100 miles of running, walking and biking along with completing 1,000 pushups ( all military).

We are also challenging ourselves to continue the greens and cleansing drinks we have been making in the mornings and before we go to bed.  It makes such a huge difference in our overall health and wellbeing.

So as of today our totals are as follows -

Miles -
Jen - 10/100
Micah - 11/100

Push ups -
Jen - 137/1,000
Micah - 122/1,000

For my ST today I did a fantastic workout.  Fast, only 30 mins but very effective. I LOVE lifting lighter with higher reps these days. It is really leaning me out far more so then when I was doing my P90X and Cathe with heavy weights.  Yes there are still days where I will go heavier but for me, maybe it is just my body type but whatever it is that I am doing is working BIG TIME! The tape measure and scale are in agreement with me!

Here is my fast ST workout for today -

Total of 137 push ups - all military - NO knees! Did 112 during my ST then the rest was this evening during dinner etc...

MB wood chops - 50 reps with a 10 lb Medicine Ball
Sumo squats with front shoulder raise - 50 reps with 5 lb DB's
Bicep curls to overhead shoulder press - 50 reps with 8 lb DB's
Balance Ball T to I combo - also known as reverse flys on balance ball - 50 reps with 3 lb DB's
Leaning tower front to side raise combo - 50 reps for each arm using 5 lb DB's

Cardio was 10 miles on the Lemond with 2 strong climb intervals - ARPM - 83


Anele @ Success Along the Weigh said...

You are the most dedicated, awesome fitness queen I know! I know you will rock that goal for sure!

momof11 said...

UGH!!! you keep doing it!!! and I'm still slacking! LOL! I am incredibly awed by you! Keep it up,Hot Mamma!! You are very inspiring!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your goal! You are truly an amazing creature of God!