Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Still working hard, just busy...

I am here! Sorry that my posts have been off lately. I am doing well this week, we just have allot going on. My dog had surgery on his eye today to remove a cyst on his eyelid. Bless his heart, he is so out of it tonight. In addition to this we have been in the yard everyday until sundown working on getting our gardens ready before the rain and storms set for this week. So I have been active, very active and my eating has been good, but I am finding it hard to be online as much as before. Today was great, I ran outside after working in the garden. I pushed it hard and my knee felt good, no pain.

I will try and get back to posting my detailed fitness logs asap, but for now just know that I am doing great, staying strong and being VERY active in every way!

3/24 - Run outside with sprint intervals with walking warm up/sprint recovery/cool down
Time - 37 mins
Calories burned - 414
Calories consumed - 1,600

Work hard, Reach high!


Angela said...
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Angela said...

I'm glad the surgery went well for your dog. It's GREAT to see you're enjoying your new home!


IdaR said...

We all get busy. Just check in occasionally to let us know how you are doing.

Robert said...

hope your dog is doing well

Jen's Journey said...

Thanks guys. He is doing ok, but he looks so sad in that he cannot fully open his eye and he keeps trying to scratch his stitches. It breaks my heart to see him like this, but I know each day he will improve.

Tomorrow I am off for another run and some light ST, as much as I can work in.

Your support really does mean a great deal to me! THANK YOU!!!

Bren Haas said...

BUSY IS LIFE - is especially this time of year for me! Keep enjoying life.

Trainer T.s Fitness said...

I hope your dog gets well soon. Keep up the great runs Rockstar!