Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A great run followed by an ice!

So today I felt better and wanted to make the most of the beautiful day by running outside while I still could. The snow and ice are coming this week and soon I will be forced to once again run the winter on the tread.  My run was good today, steady and strong. My knee was bothering me after about 10 mins so I stopped to walk a bit and then started running again and it felt much better. Strangely enough after about 28 mins it started to feel really good, still not perfect but I was surprised at how it was improving the more I ran. I did not want to push it however so I stuck with the Runner's World plan I am following and stopped after 30 mins. 

I know that soon all of the runs in the middle of Siberia will pay off when I step across that finish line in my first race! It is hard though running here, it can be very lonely. I long for the days when I can run around Memorial or Rice in Houston and gain inspiration from seeing all the people running around me! Until then I need to continue to be consistent and train smart, knowing that someday all my hard work will be worth it! I finished my run with a cool down and then 20 mins of Pilates, core work and some yoga stretching. Then I took the plunge!! I took a COLD ice bath! I knew it was the right thing to do but man was that hard! I am now curled up in my soft, warm pj's trying to get my legs to de-thaw!! 

30 min run with one walking interval (bc of hurt knee) and a 4 min cool down, followed by 20 min of core work and Pilates.

Run Time - 34 mins 
Calories Burned - 358
AHR - 151/79%  MHR -  179/93%

Core Work - 

Crunches with 17 lb DB - 100 reps  
T planks - 20 reps 
Plank hold to fatigue - 10 reps 
Inchworm to plank - 10 reps 
V glut squeezes on ball - 25 reps 
Roll outs on ball - 25 reps 

Core/Pilates Time - 20 mins 
Calories Burned - 168
AHR - 135/70%  MHR -  169/88%

Daily Totals - 
Time - 54 mins 
Calories Burned -  526 

Weekly totals - 
Time -  94 mins 
Calories Burned -  890

Daily Intake - 10/29
Calories Consumed -  1,554
Protein - 31%
Fat - 22%
Carbs - 47%

Meal 1 -  6 egg whites scrambled with 1.75 oz of shredded chicken breast, and 1/2 cup of mushrooms. 2 cups of Chi tea. 

Meal 2 - 1/2 cup of oats with 1/2 cup of low fat yogurt. 

Meal 3 - 1 scoop of protein powder, 1 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries. 

Meal 4 - 5 oz of chicken breast, leg de-boned with no skin cooked with Indian Biryani mix, sweet chili sauce and 1/2 cup of couscous and 1 raw cucumber. 

Meal 5 - 1/2 cup of oats with 1/2 cup of low fat yogurt.

Meal 6 - 2 cups of popcorn  and 32 oz of water.


Mer! said...

Hi Jen!!!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving me a message!! I am always excited to meet new people--and thank you for your kind words!

I have to be honest, I read through your blog and I am blown away by your dedication for eating healthy and staying, hello, it's hard enough to do that in the U.S. let alone in SIBERIA!!! OMG! Talk about a place where you probably want to wrap up in a blanket and eat mac n cheese! I imagine it's tested your ability to stay strong and plug away through workouts.

69 pound weight loss...I don't even know where to begin---WOW. You kick ass. You're an Ironwoman just from that alone!!!! Juggling the responsibilities of being a mom, wife, an individual person =0, those are hard things to balance while trying to lose weight and stay active! You are every bit of an inspiration to me--as you wrote I am to you!

I'm excited to read your blog and I look forward to keeping up with your training and your move back to Texas, you guys must be so excited to head back soon!!

Thanks again for finding me!!

Kelly Olexa said...


Poor thing!!


Anonymous said...

Hi there - Thanks for commenting on my blog, too. Ditto to what Mer said - Siberia? Yeah - that is definite blanket wrapping time and mac n cheese!

Congrats on your weight loss. That is fantastic! I am picturing you like Rocky - training to fight Ivan Drago - on the farm in Siberia!

When will you return to TX?