Monday, July 09, 2012

11 days to go! 4 workouts today....felt great!

Totals for today -
Miles - 13.32
Push ups - 100
Squats - 300

July totals -
Miles - 52.17
Push ups - 1,050
Squats - 1,547

Workout 1 - Morning Fasting Cardio on tread - 20 mins - alternating 3,6,9 and 12% inclines @7.0 kph while holding 5 lb DB's and doing shoulder presses, front raise, punches etc...anything to get my HR up and increase my burn

Workout 2 - Full body ST after breakfast. Another short session but such a great BURN!

37:14 mins -

1. Alternating bicep curls using 30 lb DB's - 1 set of 16 reps and a second set of 10 reps - totally burned out...felt great!
2. Squat press using 20 lb DB's - 50 reps
3. Plank rows using 5 lb DB's - 50 reps
4. Plank lateral raise using 5 lb DB's - 50 reps....this was the hardest for me. Killer. Hold a high plank with 5 lb DB's and instead of a row you lift your arm out for lateral raise and alternate each arm with still in a high plank - MUST do these over and over......I really loved it.
5. Medicine ball standing crunch with leg raise, twist and pulldown using a 12 lb MB - 50 reps each side.
6. Romanian deadlift to a standing two arm bicep curl using 20 lb DB's - 25 reps for each leg
7. Standard military pushups - 50 reps
8. Medicine ball pushups - 50 reps
9. Jump Squats with overhead raise - 100 reps
10. Two arm bicep curls with sumo squats using 20 lb DB's - 50 reps
11. Kettle bell swings with sumo squat - 50 reps with a 25 lb KB

Workout 3 - Post ST walk on the trails with my little girl in the BOB. Strong walk, nothing fast just a good calorie burn while enjoying the sunny day

1:40 mins - 6.44 miles with hills

Workout 4 - After dinner walk around the lake while my husband got in some miles on the bike - 1:27 mins. 5.52 miles

Nutrition for the day....

M1 - Oats with fresh berries and egg whites
M2 - Whey shake with berries and 1/2 banana
M3 - Spinach salad with 1/2 can of tuna, cottage cheese and egg whites with balsamic vinegar with my VM Green and Earth mix. One GF rice cake with natural PB
M4 - Ground chicken with spinach, eggplant, zucchini with pasta sauce along with a protein shake
M5 - GF rice cake with natural PB

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