Thursday, February 18, 2010

Workout results 2/17 - Day 6 of The Mommy to Be Olympic Challenge!

A fantastic day! I spent the whole day in town shopping for all kinds of lovely things for my angel girl and at the same time got a ton of exercise. I was out for about 8 hours or so. I was able to take my Garmin with me and get in a good walk during the day which was nice but at the end of the day I was tired and ready for bed!

We met up with our friends for a Thai dinner last night so needless to say I went FAR above my calorie range for the day, about 2,327 calories for the day. But it was a splurge day so it is ok. Today I am back on track and doing well. I am going to try and get as much walking in as possible but I will say that I am quite tired from yesterday.

I am officially 33 week pregnant today!! Only 49 days to go. But that makes me really sad. I feel sometimes as if I want it to last longer, I am really going to miss it. The feeling of life inside of me is a beautiful experience and I never knew how special it could be.

Here are my results from yesterday -

Fitness - 40 mins
Nutrition - 2,327.....or more calories consumed. Splurge day!!
Fiber - 30 grams
Protein - 112 grams
Water intake - 64 oz

Overall totals -
Fitness - 186 mins
Nutrition - 3 days out of 6 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)


Trainer T.s Fitness said...

I can't believe how fast your pregnacy has gone!

You deserved your treat day, it sounds like you had a wonderful time.

Mark said...

Exciting days ahead!!