I am leaving today to head to Dallas for my baby shower tomorrow! I just cannot believe this day has come. I remember when I first knew I was pregnant, I started thinking about my shower and it seemed so far away and now it is here. I will be sure and blog all about it when we return.
Over the weekend I will stay strong on my challenge and will log my results when we get back. The challenge ends on Sunday so we will have to see how I did and what medals will get!!! I am so happy I did this challenge, it has helped me a great deal.
Yesterday was MUCH better than the other day when I was so sick but I did have some contractions and had to come home to rest as they were really bothering me. We are going to talk to my doctor about this next week when we get to see him for my 35 week appt. I just want to try and have her inside as long as possible. On March 18th, I will be 37 weeks which is considered full term and I really want to make it to that date! I may need to take it a bit easier until then but we will wait to see what my doctor says.
Here are my results from 2/24 and 2/25. I did get a good walk in but I wanted to do more but I was having regular, strong contractions so I really needed to head home and rest. Once I did, I felt much better. Hopefully today I can get in at least 30 mins before leaving for Dallas.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!
Tuesday 2/23 -
Fitness - 62 mins total
Walking - 19 mins
Bike - 13 mins
Elliptical - 10 mins
Yoga - 10 mins
ST - 10 mins including 70 squats and 50 countertop/wall pushups
Nutrition - 1,638
Fiber - 51 grams
Protein - 136 grams
Water - 128 oz
Wednesday 2/24 -
Fitness - 0
Nutrition - 1,670
Fiber - 44 grams
Protein - 142 grams
Water - 128 oz
Thursday 2/25 -
Fitness - 52 min walk
Nutrition - 1,569
Fiber - 41 grams
Protein - 118 grams
Water - 138 oz
Overall totals for my challenge -
Fitness - 578 mins
Nutrition - 10 days out of 14 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A few more pregnancy pictures and the name of our little girl....
I have been waiting for quite awhile to announce our daughters name. I really wanted the family to hear the name first. We announced the name to the family in our baby shower invitations and so now that the family has received the invites I can now tell you that the name we chose for our daughter is.....Michaela Madison.
We have loved this name for years, far before we even knew we were going to have children. The name has a special meaning to us for several reasons. First of all my father's name is Michael and my husband's name is Micah. The two names share the same meaning in Hebrew, " One who is like God." The female version of Michael is of course Michaela. So our little girl will be named after her grandfather as well as a her father. I am an only child so my father, Michael, is thrilled beyond belief that is little granddaughter will be named after him.
We are so excited and cannot wait to meet our precious Michaela or as my husband likes to call her, his little Kayla Bear!

We have loved this name for years, far before we even knew we were going to have children. The name has a special meaning to us for several reasons. First of all my father's name is Michael and my husband's name is Micah. The two names share the same meaning in Hebrew, " One who is like God." The female version of Michael is of course Michaela. So our little girl will be named after her grandfather as well as a her father. I am an only child so my father, Michael, is thrilled beyond belief that is little granddaughter will be named after him.
We are so excited and cannot wait to meet our precious Michaela or as my husband likes to call her, his little Kayla Bear!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Stop and savor today...

This morning as I was getting ready to leave the house to get my workout in for the day I was watching the Today show. They were featuring a piece on the snowboarder Kevin Pearce who had a tragic fall in December and it still trying to recover. He went from being a hopeful for a gold medal to now trying to learn how to walk and talk again.
This morning in the interview they were speaking to his father who said he will never forget the first time his son was able to squeeze his hand and what a special moment that was. After all Kevin has achieved, just the act of squeezing his fathers hand became a victory.
I was watching this and felt so touched for many reasons. First of all I am so thankful that this young man is alive and working hard to recover. But I also started thinking about my own life. We make so many excuses in our lives at times as to why we cannot reach our goals. There are moments were we all take for granted the simple act of walking, talking and even breathing. It makes me feel bad for the days that I sit and complain about aches and pains when you think about what others are having to fight through.
Sometimes the days can pass so quickly that we fail to stop and remember how precious each day is. Think about those whose days are limited. They must count each one as such a blessing knowing that their time on this earth may soon be coming to an end. I know for me I tend to think long term at times. I have goals that I want to reach in 3 months, 6 months and next year. But what about today? What about living in the here and now? This is my desire. Living in the moment as if this day was my last. What would I do differently? How would I treat others? I am realizing more and more the true value of this amazing life we have. Will I become successful if I reach my goals? Does that define success? Maybe, just maybe, success it making the most of THIS DAY that we have been blessed with.
For just a moment forget the weight loss challenges you are in, the goals you want to reach, the numbers on the scale or the races you have coming up. Just stop and think about the simple act of breathing, taking a walk, talking to those we love, helping someone who is hurting. Maybe it is time we redefine our daily goals. Maybe it is time we start thinking about how we want to be victorious in this life. To me I want to be victorious knowing I truly lived each and every day.
Long after the Olympics are gone I will forget who won what event but I will never forget Kevin Pearce's story. Gold medals come and go and there will always be another person who is faster or stronger. But this young man who is fighting for his life is a true champion in my eyes.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Workout results 2/22 - Day 11 of The Mommy to Be Olympic Challenge!
Great day!! It took me FOREVER to do my walk but I did it! 3.3 miles in 68 mins, good grief, I was so slow!! I slowed down the second part of my walk as I started having a few contractions, nothing big but they were strong.
Tomorrow we are supposed to have about 1 -2 inches of snow! I am not holding my breath because last time we did not get as much as they thought so we will have to see. If the roads are not too bad I will go to the gym to do my walk and workout if not, then I will find a way to be active here in the house. Maybe I can just walk around the house fast and walk up and down the stairs or something. We will see.
Hope everyone had a wonderful start to the week!!
Fitness - 68 min walk
Nutrition - 1,601
Fiber - 41 grams
Protein - 109 grams
Water - 128 oz
Overall totals for my challenge -
Fitness - 464 mins
Nutrition - 7 days out of 11 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
Tomorrow we are supposed to have about 1 -2 inches of snow! I am not holding my breath because last time we did not get as much as they thought so we will have to see. If the roads are not too bad I will go to the gym to do my walk and workout if not, then I will find a way to be active here in the house. Maybe I can just walk around the house fast and walk up and down the stairs or something. We will see.
Hope everyone had a wonderful start to the week!!
Fitness - 68 min walk
Nutrition - 1,601
Fiber - 41 grams
Protein - 109 grams
Water - 128 oz
Overall totals for my challenge -
Fitness - 464 mins
Nutrition - 7 days out of 11 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
33 week pregnancy photo

Ok I have been saying how big my belly is getting, now here is proof! LOL! It is funny how it makes me happy to see myself getting bigger, that is definitely a new feeling. I just know I am doing all the right things and she is getting bigger and so strong. It is an amazing feeling to have, to know that my daughter is growing and getting ready to come see us soon.
I will try and take more photos each week from here on out as I really want to record and remember every stage of this journey before it is over and a new one begins!
I am heading out for a busy day of shopping for my baby shower! I need to look for gifts to give the hostess as well as some accessories for me to wear! I am so excited about this shower, being there with my family and to see my parents there will be so wonderful. I know they never thought this would happen, it is a dream come true for them and for us as well.
Happy Monday! Make it a great week!
Pictures taken at 33 weeks and 3 days pregnant - 46 days to go....
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Workout results 2/20 and 2/21 - Day 9 and 10 of The Mommy to Be Olympic Challenge!
I have had to take it easy this weekend as I feel as if I am starting to get sick or just really worn out. Everyone always says to listen to your body, well I have done just that. I did get some light walking in so at least it was something.
My goals for this next week are simple, to stay active as much as possible! My Olympic challenge is really helping me stay on track. My numbers are not as high as I would like but at least I am doing my best and making an effort to give it my all each day.
Several of you told me to add the cleaning the other day to my challenge and my husband agrees. While I am not going to add all 7 hours I will add a couple of hours to my total as I did push myself very hard that day and it was far more exhausting than walking. It is funny how hard things become when pregnant! My inner thighs are so sore and almost feel as if I pulled a muscle from climbing my stairs so much as of late. I am hoping for another strong week doing the best I can each day. I have so much to do this next week as we are leaving on Friday for my baby shower up in Dallas!!! We are so excited about this!
Tonight we are going to take some more candid shots around the house of my belly! I want to take as many as possible while we have the chance. Everything is going well in terms of my pregnancy. On Friday night my husband and I were curled up talking about the next few weeks and all the excitement that is to come with the arrival of our little girl and she started moving again, big time! At one point she pressed out so far we both screamed out loud, in a funny way of course. We were laughing and screaming, oh my! I have NEVER seen her press out like this before and you all know how active she has been in the past.
She has been doing this all weekend but nothing like it was Friday night. It was an emotional time for both of us. My husband this weekend started thinking about my delivery and all that is to come and was very emotional. He started thinking about the fact that soon he would be holding his daughter. It is truly special and gives me a feeling that I cannot describe.
I am trying the best I can to stop and savor each moment of this journey and I only hope I can do the same when she arrives! I am realizing more and more what a blessing it is that we were able to have our little girl. I want to be grateful for each part of this. Even the hard moments when I am tired and do not feel well, I want to find joy in the journey!
Blessings to everyone!
Here are my results from the weekend as well as my new totals -
Saturday - 2/20
Fitness - 20 min walk
Nutrition - Splurge day! It was good though, I had Ice cream! YUM!
Water intake - 128 oz
Sunday - 2/21
Fitness - 30 min walk
Nutrition - 1,692
Fiber - 54 grams
Protein - 107 grams
Water - 64 oz as of now but will get to 128 oz by the end of the day.
Overall totals for my challenge -
Fitness - 396 mins or 6 hours and 36 mins
Nutrition - 6 days out of 10 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
My goals for this next week are simple, to stay active as much as possible! My Olympic challenge is really helping me stay on track. My numbers are not as high as I would like but at least I am doing my best and making an effort to give it my all each day.
Several of you told me to add the cleaning the other day to my challenge and my husband agrees. While I am not going to add all 7 hours I will add a couple of hours to my total as I did push myself very hard that day and it was far more exhausting than walking. It is funny how hard things become when pregnant! My inner thighs are so sore and almost feel as if I pulled a muscle from climbing my stairs so much as of late. I am hoping for another strong week doing the best I can each day. I have so much to do this next week as we are leaving on Friday for my baby shower up in Dallas!!! We are so excited about this!
Tonight we are going to take some more candid shots around the house of my belly! I want to take as many as possible while we have the chance. Everything is going well in terms of my pregnancy. On Friday night my husband and I were curled up talking about the next few weeks and all the excitement that is to come with the arrival of our little girl and she started moving again, big time! At one point she pressed out so far we both screamed out loud, in a funny way of course. We were laughing and screaming, oh my! I have NEVER seen her press out like this before and you all know how active she has been in the past.
She has been doing this all weekend but nothing like it was Friday night. It was an emotional time for both of us. My husband this weekend started thinking about my delivery and all that is to come and was very emotional. He started thinking about the fact that soon he would be holding his daughter. It is truly special and gives me a feeling that I cannot describe.
I am trying the best I can to stop and savor each moment of this journey and I only hope I can do the same when she arrives! I am realizing more and more what a blessing it is that we were able to have our little girl. I want to be grateful for each part of this. Even the hard moments when I am tired and do not feel well, I want to find joy in the journey!
Blessings to everyone!
Here are my results from the weekend as well as my new totals -
Saturday - 2/20
Fitness - 20 min walk
Nutrition - Splurge day! It was good though, I had Ice cream! YUM!
Water intake - 128 oz
Sunday - 2/21
Fitness - 30 min walk
Nutrition - 1,692
Fiber - 54 grams
Protein - 107 grams
Water - 64 oz as of now but will get to 128 oz by the end of the day.
Overall totals for my challenge -
Fitness - 396 mins or 6 hours and 36 mins
Nutrition - 6 days out of 10 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Workout results 2/19 - Day 8 of The Mommy to Be Olympic Challenge!
Long but wonderful day! I had a strong walk this morning and it was one of my fastest in quite some time. I did not have any BH contractions during my walk which was nice for a change!
I am tired tonight but it feels good to know that I gave today my all.
Fitness - 40 min walk
Nutrition - 1,723
Fiber - 58 grams
Protein - 117 grams
Water intake - 160 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 226 mins
Nutrition - 5 days out of 8 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
I am tired tonight but it feels good to know that I gave today my all.
Fitness - 40 min walk
Nutrition - 1,723
Fiber - 58 grams
Protein - 117 grams
Water intake - 160 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 226 mins
Nutrition - 5 days out of 8 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
Workout results 2/18 - Day 7 of The Mommy to Be Olympic Challenge!
I did not get my workout in yesterday but I did some heavy cleaning around the house for 7 hours or so. This will not count towards my Olympic points unfortunately, but just the activity of daily life. I did work hard though and feel so tired. I must have walked up and down our stairs a million times today, it really took a toll on me. But the place looks so great! I love a nice clean house so much. I still need to finish dusting the baseboards and a few other things but for the most part it is done. I am hoping this morning to get out on the trails for a good 30 min walk or so. I missed my walking yesterday.
My nutriton was good though I was super hungry!!! I drank a TON of water to keep me from snacking and it worked well.
Here are the results of my day....
Fitness - 0 mins ( well I was very active but not fitness I can count for the challenge)
Nutrition - 1,631
Fiber - 48 grams
Protein - 156 grams
Water intake - 160 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 186 mins
Nutrition - 4 days out of 7 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
My nutriton was good though I was super hungry!!! I drank a TON of water to keep me from snacking and it worked well.
Here are the results of my day....
Fitness - 0 mins ( well I was very active but not fitness I can count for the challenge)
Nutrition - 1,631
Fiber - 48 grams
Protein - 156 grams
Water intake - 160 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 186 mins
Nutrition - 4 days out of 7 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Workout results 2/17 - Day 6 of The Mommy to Be Olympic Challenge!
A fantastic day! I spent the whole day in town shopping for all kinds of lovely things for my angel girl and at the same time got a ton of exercise. I was out for about 8 hours or so. I was able to take my Garmin with me and get in a good walk during the day which was nice but at the end of the day I was tired and ready for bed!
We met up with our friends for a Thai dinner last night so needless to say I went FAR above my calorie range for the day, about 2,327 calories for the day. But it was a splurge day so it is ok. Today I am back on track and doing well. I am going to try and get as much walking in as possible but I will say that I am quite tired from yesterday.
I am officially 33 week pregnant today!! Only 49 days to go. But that makes me really sad. I feel sometimes as if I want it to last longer, I am really going to miss it. The feeling of life inside of me is a beautiful experience and I never knew how special it could be.
Here are my results from yesterday -
Fitness - 40 mins
Nutrition - 2,327.....or more calories consumed. Splurge day!!
Fiber - 30 grams
Protein - 112 grams
Water intake - 64 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 186 mins
Nutrition - 3 days out of 6 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
We met up with our friends for a Thai dinner last night so needless to say I went FAR above my calorie range for the day, about 2,327 calories for the day. But it was a splurge day so it is ok. Today I am back on track and doing well. I am going to try and get as much walking in as possible but I will say that I am quite tired from yesterday.
I am officially 33 week pregnant today!! Only 49 days to go. But that makes me really sad. I feel sometimes as if I want it to last longer, I am really going to miss it. The feeling of life inside of me is a beautiful experience and I never knew how special it could be.
Here are my results from yesterday -
Fitness - 40 mins
Nutrition - 2,327.....or more calories consumed. Splurge day!!
Fiber - 30 grams
Protein - 112 grams
Water intake - 64 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 186 mins
Nutrition - 3 days out of 6 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Workout results 2/16 - Day 5 of The Mommy to Be Olympic Challenge!
A long day, but a good one as I was able to get so much done. I am just very tired now and will be going to bed early. I did well with my goals but fell short of my fitness goal, however between the house work and my walk I had a great deal of activity and now I am totally zapped.
Sorry for the short post! My angel has been going crazy all day, she apparently is not as tired as Momma! Love to feel her growing and going STRONG!
Fitness - 25 mins
Nutrition - 1,708 calories consumed
Fiber - 59 grams
Protein - 152 grams
Water intake - 160 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 146 mins
Nutrition - 3 days out of 5 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
Sorry for the short post! My angel has been going crazy all day, she apparently is not as tired as Momma! Love to feel her growing and going STRONG!
Fitness - 25 mins
Nutrition - 1,708 calories consumed
Fiber - 59 grams
Protein - 152 grams
Water intake - 160 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 146 mins
Nutrition - 3 days out of 5 within calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
Workout results 2/15 - Day 4 of The Mommy to Be Olympic Challenge!
Yesterday was far better for me. My walking was good, not fast but at least I did it!! Today I am aiming for at least 45 mins if not a little more. Our little girl is GROWING! I can tell a huge difference in my belly from last week. She is pressing out more on both sides of my stomach, a feeling I NEVER get tired off! I am getting more sleep as she is less active at night now. There are periods of activity around 2 am or so but for the most part she is letting me sleep! Thank you my angel girl.
I realized this morning that I did not write about our tour of labor and delivery. On Valentines day I had arranged a tour as I thought it would be the most romantic way to spend the day together. After a nice lunch we headed over to the hospital and started our tour. Walking in we realized the next time we would be there was when I would be in labor and we would be getting ready to meet our little girl. The feeling was overwhelming, exciting and emotional. I was very impressed with the private rooms, they were quite nice and the whole unit had a wonderful feel to it. I was happy to see that our little girl would be staying in the room with us. We talked to the nurses about my birthing plan and how I will be wanting a natural birth. They have the birthing balls, rocking chairs, etc.... for me when I need them. They were also VERY understanding and supportive in me wanting a natural birth.
My husband had the biggest smile on his face as we toured the unit and every once and awhile would lean in to me and kiss me saying, Happy Valentines Day! I could not think of a better way to spend this day with the man I love touring where our angel will be born. There were cards and ballons on valentines day but what I will remember most was the look in my husbands eyes as he held me in the hospital, definitely the best gift I could have received.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!! I have a very busy day planned as I did not get all my housework done yesterday. So I better get going on my walking, cleaning and organizing.
Thanks for all your encouragement and support!
Fitness - 53 mins
Nutrition - 1,773 calories consumed
Fiber - 78 grams
Protein - 126 grams
Water intake - 128 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 121 mins
Nutrition - 2 days out of 4 within calorie range ( 1,500 - 1,800)
I realized this morning that I did not write about our tour of labor and delivery. On Valentines day I had arranged a tour as I thought it would be the most romantic way to spend the day together. After a nice lunch we headed over to the hospital and started our tour. Walking in we realized the next time we would be there was when I would be in labor and we would be getting ready to meet our little girl. The feeling was overwhelming, exciting and emotional. I was very impressed with the private rooms, they were quite nice and the whole unit had a wonderful feel to it. I was happy to see that our little girl would be staying in the room with us. We talked to the nurses about my birthing plan and how I will be wanting a natural birth. They have the birthing balls, rocking chairs, etc.... for me when I need them. They were also VERY understanding and supportive in me wanting a natural birth.
My husband had the biggest smile on his face as we toured the unit and every once and awhile would lean in to me and kiss me saying, Happy Valentines Day! I could not think of a better way to spend this day with the man I love touring where our angel will be born. There were cards and ballons on valentines day but what I will remember most was the look in my husbands eyes as he held me in the hospital, definitely the best gift I could have received.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!! I have a very busy day planned as I did not get all my housework done yesterday. So I better get going on my walking, cleaning and organizing.
Thanks for all your encouragement and support!
Fitness - 53 mins
Nutrition - 1,773 calories consumed
Fiber - 78 grams
Protein - 126 grams
Water intake - 128 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 121 mins
Nutrition - 2 days out of 4 within calorie range ( 1,500 - 1,800)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Workout results 2/13 and 2/14 - Day 2 and 3 of The Mommy to Be Olympic Challenge!
My amazing streak of NOT doing well on this challenge continued this weekend but my activity was good as we were out all day Saturday and Sunday. By the end of the day I was exhausted. Our Valentines day was memorable and very romantic! We took a tour of labor and delivery at the hospital were I will be having our baby, then shopped and got some really cute stuff for her room.
I am feeling very tired these days. More so than normal, but I am sure today will be wonderful and I will reach all my goals. I have quite a bit of house work to do as I did nothing over the weekend. So it will be dusting, vacuuming and laundry this morning after a walk with my dog. My husband told me he wants to walk again this evening with me and so I think I should reach my goal of 60 mins for the day. I am staying positive even though these past few days have been hard on me. I know I will be back to my energetic self in no time!
Here are my results from Day 2 and 3 -
Fitness - 45 mins
Nutrition - 1,998 calories consumed - Over goal
Fiber - 33 grams
Protein - 99 grams
Water Intake - 64 oz
Fitness - 23 mins
Nutrition - 1,861 calories consumed - Over goal
Fiber - 31 grams
Protein - 100 grams
Water intake - 64 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 68 mins
Nutrition - 1 day out of 3 below calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
I am feeling very tired these days. More so than normal, but I am sure today will be wonderful and I will reach all my goals. I have quite a bit of house work to do as I did nothing over the weekend. So it will be dusting, vacuuming and laundry this morning after a walk with my dog. My husband told me he wants to walk again this evening with me and so I think I should reach my goal of 60 mins for the day. I am staying positive even though these past few days have been hard on me. I know I will be back to my energetic self in no time!
Here are my results from Day 2 and 3 -
Fitness - 45 mins
Nutrition - 1,998 calories consumed - Over goal
Fiber - 33 grams
Protein - 99 grams
Water Intake - 64 oz
Fitness - 23 mins
Nutrition - 1,861 calories consumed - Over goal
Fiber - 31 grams
Protein - 100 grams
Water intake - 64 oz
Overall totals -
Fitness - 68 mins
Nutrition - 1 day out of 3 below calorie range (1,500 - 1,800)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Workout results 2/12 - Day one of The Mommy to Be Olympic Challenge!
Well yesterday was not the killer start that I hoped for. Everything was fine during the day, I was so excited because my husband was flying home from being away for a week in Norway on business. I had prepared Chicken Gumbo, Cole Slaw and Cranberry bread for dinner. I went out and got ballons, a welcome home banner, the works!
He made it home safe and it was so wonderful when he walked through the door, however things took a turn when I was finishing dinner I started to feel very nauseated. It got worse and the next thing I knew I was running to the bathroom VERY sick. Isn't that a romantic welcome home?
I was not able to eat the Gumbo I made for him as the smell was making me sick. It felt as if I was in the first trimester of my pregnancy or something. I was not feeling well all night. I went to bed around 9 and then was up again to see the end of the opening ceremonies.
This morning I feel better so I am not sure what happened last night but it was NOT fun. Fortunately my husband was there to help which made it easier to get through. So as I said it was not the bombastic start of my challenge that I wanted nor was it the romantic welcome home I had planned but these things happen in life and you just have to laugh about it and move on.
Here are the results from Day 1 - Though not very impressive....
Fitness - 0 mins
Nutrition - 1,571 calories consumed - Goal reached!
Fiber - 66 grams
Protein - 124 grams
Water intake - 64 oz - NOT GOOD! Need more today.
He made it home safe and it was so wonderful when he walked through the door, however things took a turn when I was finishing dinner I started to feel very nauseated. It got worse and the next thing I knew I was running to the bathroom VERY sick. Isn't that a romantic welcome home?
I was not able to eat the Gumbo I made for him as the smell was making me sick. It felt as if I was in the first trimester of my pregnancy or something. I was not feeling well all night. I went to bed around 9 and then was up again to see the end of the opening ceremonies.
This morning I feel better so I am not sure what happened last night but it was NOT fun. Fortunately my husband was there to help which made it easier to get through. So as I said it was not the bombastic start of my challenge that I wanted nor was it the romantic welcome home I had planned but these things happen in life and you just have to laugh about it and move on.
Here are the results from Day 1 - Though not very impressive....
Fitness - 0 mins
Nutrition - 1,571 calories consumed - Goal reached!
Fiber - 66 grams
Protein - 124 grams
Water intake - 64 oz - NOT GOOD! Need more today.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Workout results 2/11

Today was my Moms birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! 55 never looked SO good!!!
She amazes me. She gets up almost every morning at around 4:30 and goes for a run, usually about an hour. She is as cute as she can be and FULL OF ENERGY! I only hope I can have the quality of life that she does when I am her age. What example of health and wellness she has been to me. Even when I gained all my weight in college she stuck by me and motivated me to keep working on loosing it. She is my best friend and someone I look up to more than she may know.
My day as good, but I will be honest, I felt VERY pregnant today. I was tired and hungry all day. I did get my walk in this morning but it was short, only 26 mins. Then I did some light yoga and ST. I gave it my all but it was a hard day for sure. My caloric intake was good and I did well with my water but my energy was just not there. That is ok though, tomorrow is a new day! After a good nights rest, I will be ready to start day one of the Mommy to be Olympics! I am excited about it!! I am 32 weeks pregnant today and I cannot think of a better way to start this next month of pregnancy that a fitness challenge!
Have a blessed evening!!
Fitness - 26 min walk and 10 mins of yoga and ST
Calories consumed - 1,736
Fiber - 59 grams
Protein - 140 grams
Water - 128 oz
Let the Games Begin!! The first ever Mommy To Be Olympics!
Those who know me well know that I am motivated by challenges, logging, count downs and so on. There is something about setting a goal then working hard to reach it that I just love. Back in 2008 I joined a team on sparkpeople which at that time was called Losing the Weight in 2008. The team really helped me reach my goals as we had team challenges that were just so much fun. The team is now called Rockin It Again in 2010 and it is by far my favorite team on the site. We recently finished an Olympic challenge and I found it a great way for me to stay on track durning my pregnancy.
I am really excited about the Olympics starting tomorrow! Ever since I was a girl I would love to watch the games. Ice stating was always a favorite of mine. I would be in our backyard twisting and turning acting as if I was on the ice competing for the gold! Go USA! I have won many goals during my life in the sport of backyard ice skating on grass!
In order to stay on track over the next 17 days I am starting another challenge for myself....The first ever Mommy to be Olympics!!!
There are 2 events. Fitness and Nutrition. I am setting goals today for what I want to reach by February 28th. If I reach my goal, then I win a gold for each event, if I fall short, then I can qualify for a silver or bronze medal.
My Olympic Goals are as follows -
Fitness - Walking, Biking at the gym, Elliptical -
Gold Metal - 17 Hours
Silver Metal - 14 - 17 Hours
Bronze Metal - 10 - 14 Hours
Nutrition - Staying within Calories and Water intake -
Gold Metal - 14 days staying on track with calories and water intake
Silver Metal - 12 - 14 days
Bronze Metal - 12 days or less
Join me in this challenge! Set your own goals to reach over the next 17 days. Just think what you can accomplish by the end of this month! You know I could just sit back and say I am pregnant and cannot do a challenge because I am limited with my activities or I can make the most of where I am during this amazing journey I am on.
I urge each of you to do the same. You may be limited in what you can do because of various factors in your life but do not let that stop you from reaching daily goals. If you cannot walk, make your goal to log your foods everyday. If you struggle to drink water everyday make that your goal. Maybe your struggle is just staying consistent, then make your goal to log and be consistent over the next 17 days.
I wanted to give a BIG THANKS to Shawna one of our team leaders who started the Olympic challenge on our team. It gave me the motivation to start my own challenge, so thank you for always being there as a motivation for our team. I am so grateful.
LET THE GAMES BEGIN!! Can you hear the music playing now?!?!
I am really excited about the Olympics starting tomorrow! Ever since I was a girl I would love to watch the games. Ice stating was always a favorite of mine. I would be in our backyard twisting and turning acting as if I was on the ice competing for the gold! Go USA! I have won many goals during my life in the sport of backyard ice skating on grass!
In order to stay on track over the next 17 days I am starting another challenge for myself....The first ever Mommy to be Olympics!!!
There are 2 events. Fitness and Nutrition. I am setting goals today for what I want to reach by February 28th. If I reach my goal, then I win a gold for each event, if I fall short, then I can qualify for a silver or bronze medal.
My Olympic Goals are as follows -
Fitness - Walking, Biking at the gym, Elliptical -
Gold Metal - 17 Hours
Silver Metal - 14 - 17 Hours
Bronze Metal - 10 - 14 Hours
Nutrition - Staying within Calories and Water intake -
Gold Metal - 14 days staying on track with calories and water intake
Silver Metal - 12 - 14 days
Bronze Metal - 12 days or less
Join me in this challenge! Set your own goals to reach over the next 17 days. Just think what you can accomplish by the end of this month! You know I could just sit back and say I am pregnant and cannot do a challenge because I am limited with my activities or I can make the most of where I am during this amazing journey I am on.
I urge each of you to do the same. You may be limited in what you can do because of various factors in your life but do not let that stop you from reaching daily goals. If you cannot walk, make your goal to log your foods everyday. If you struggle to drink water everyday make that your goal. Maybe your struggle is just staying consistent, then make your goal to log and be consistent over the next 17 days.
I wanted to give a BIG THANKS to Shawna one of our team leaders who started the Olympic challenge on our team. It gave me the motivation to start my own challenge, so thank you for always being there as a motivation for our team. I am so grateful.
LET THE GAMES BEGIN!! Can you hear the music playing now?!?!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Workout results 2/10
Fantastic day but I am very tired so forgive me for the super short blog. This little Momma wants to go to bed and it is only 8:00!! I need to try and stay up as long as possible as my husband is calling from Norway in a few hours!!!!
Fitness - 77 min walk
Calories consumed - 1,641
Fiber - 66 grams
Protein - 132 grams
Water - 106 oz, will try and get in another 20 oz before bed
Fitness - 77 min walk
Calories consumed - 1,641
Fiber - 66 grams
Protein - 132 grams
Water - 106 oz, will try and get in another 20 oz before bed
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Workout results 2/9
Another good day. My morning walk was so slow I think I set a record for the slowest human on earth! To make up for that my afternoon walk was fantastic, though I pushed it a bit too hard. I was walking STRONG and I looked down at my Garmin and I was walking just under a 13 min mile, then I slowed it down to a 15:30 mm and after I started feeling tired, I had to REALLY slow it down, but my mile time was still 17:58 followed by a slow walk as a cool down. The problem was that I did TOO much. After my walk I started having BAD contractions while at the grocery store. They helped me carry my bags out as I could not do it, I was hurting too much. I am fine now but I need to watch how fast I walk. I ended up getting in a good 62 mins in today which I am happy with! I hope to do the same tomorrow.
I am resting tonight, maybe watching a movie then a nice bath and off to bed! I feel good though, as if I did my best today and for that I am proud!
Fitness - 62 min walk
Calories consumed - 1,677
Fiber - 81 grams
Protein - 155 grams
Water - only 64 oz today, will get the rest in before bed. Last night I reached my goal and drank 138 oz.
I am resting tonight, maybe watching a movie then a nice bath and off to bed! I feel good though, as if I did my best today and for that I am proud!
Fitness - 62 min walk
Calories consumed - 1,677
Fiber - 81 grams
Protein - 155 grams
Water - only 64 oz today, will get the rest in before bed. Last night I reached my goal and drank 138 oz.
32 week appointment
Everything went very well at todays appointment. The hard part for me was going there without my husband. He has been there for every appointment and he gets so involved, asking the doctor questions and so on, but he has a good excuse as to why he missed it!
Our precious little angel is still sitting head down and wrapped around my right side. She is measuring about average for her weight and height at this time. Her heart rate was strong and steady at 147 bpm. My measurements where right on track as well. My weight gain was 18 pounds, and my blood pressure was awesome at 102/64. My fundal height is measuring in at 32 cm which is perfect for 32 weeks! My offical 32 weeks date is Thursday so I may re-weigh then to see if I gained any in the next 2 days. But to be honest I am not really worried about it. I am doing great and eating well and after yesterdays wonderful shopping trip at the Gap, I am just not consumed by the scale anymore, which is nice! I just want her healthy and strong!
My doctor said to keep walking and walking as much as I can. He really feels it is helping me have a strong pregnancy and even more so it will help me have a good delivery, I hope so!
I am now heading out to the town center to go walking with my Garmin. There is a beautiful river walk way there that is perfect for walking. The weather is lovely today, sunny and cool. My goal is to walk for at least an hour.
Hope everyone has a blessed day!! Reach HIGH!!
My goals for today are -
1. Walk for 60 mins
2. Stay within calories
3. Drink 128 oz of water
4. Get in some light ST and yoga
Our precious little angel is still sitting head down and wrapped around my right side. She is measuring about average for her weight and height at this time. Her heart rate was strong and steady at 147 bpm. My measurements where right on track as well. My weight gain was 18 pounds, and my blood pressure was awesome at 102/64. My fundal height is measuring in at 32 cm which is perfect for 32 weeks! My offical 32 weeks date is Thursday so I may re-weigh then to see if I gained any in the next 2 days. But to be honest I am not really worried about it. I am doing great and eating well and after yesterdays wonderful shopping trip at the Gap, I am just not consumed by the scale anymore, which is nice! I just want her healthy and strong!
My doctor said to keep walking and walking as much as I can. He really feels it is helping me have a strong pregnancy and even more so it will help me have a good delivery, I hope so!
I am now heading out to the town center to go walking with my Garmin. There is a beautiful river walk way there that is perfect for walking. The weather is lovely today, sunny and cool. My goal is to walk for at least an hour.
Hope everyone has a blessed day!! Reach HIGH!!
My goals for today are -
1. Walk for 60 mins
2. Stay within calories
3. Drink 128 oz of water
4. Get in some light ST and yoga
I wish you enough..
My Mom read this to me and it touched my heart. The pace of everyday life can so many times consume us and so this morning, take a moment and stop to cherish those close to you.
Recently I overheard a Father and daughter in their last moments together at the airport.. They had announced the departure.
Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the Father said, 'I love you, and I wish you enough.'
The daughter replied, 'Dad, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Dad.'
They kissed and the daughter left. The Father walked over to the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, 'Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?'
'Yes, I have,' I replied.. 'Forgive me for asking, but why is this a for ever good-bye?'.
'I am old, and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is - the next trip back will be for my funeral,' he said.
'When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I wish you enough.' May I ask what that means?'
He began to smile. 'That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone..'
He paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail, and he smiled even more.
'When we said, 'I wish you enough,' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough
good things to sustain them.' Then turning toward me, he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory.
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess..
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good- bye.
He then began to cry and walked away.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them; but then an entire life to forget them.
Recently I overheard a Father and daughter in their last moments together at the airport.. They had announced the departure.
Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the Father said, 'I love you, and I wish you enough.'
The daughter replied, 'Dad, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Dad.'
They kissed and the daughter left. The Father walked over to the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, 'Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?'
'Yes, I have,' I replied.. 'Forgive me for asking, but why is this a for ever good-bye?'.
'I am old, and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is - the next trip back will be for my funeral,' he said.
'When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I wish you enough.' May I ask what that means?'
He began to smile. 'That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone..'
He paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail, and he smiled even more.
'When we said, 'I wish you enough,' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough
good things to sustain them.' Then turning toward me, he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory.
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess..
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good- bye.
He then began to cry and walked away.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them; but then an entire life to forget them.
Workout results 2/8
I did well today. I walked SLOW and I do mean slow but I managed to get in 66 mins and for that I am happy. I was so excited today shopping at the Baby Gap! I bought several maternity items including one pair of bootcut jeans in a size 8 and another pair of capri jeans in a size 6! SOOOOO happy about this! I have been able to keep my pregnancy size despite this massive belly I have now. I am really starting to feel pregnant. I know that sounds funny but my belly is getting HUGE and feels very heavy. I feel sometimes if I stand still that I will fall forward because of the weight in front of me! LOL!
My evening walk was an adventure to say the least. The sky turned very dark followed by lighting and then the wind started picking up. I walked as fast as I could home and by the time I walked into the door the rain started POURING and it started to hail. I am NOT kidding. I made it JUST in time. Thank goodness. Why does this always happen when my husband is away. My dog is officially freaking out and SO scared because of the storm. Needless to say we are staying in for the night.
Calories consumed - 1,517
Fiber - 54 grams
Protein - 120 grams
Water - 138 oz
My evening walk was an adventure to say the least. The sky turned very dark followed by lighting and then the wind started picking up. I walked as fast as I could home and by the time I walked into the door the rain started POURING and it started to hail. I am NOT kidding. I made it JUST in time. Thank goodness. Why does this always happen when my husband is away. My dog is officially freaking out and SO scared because of the storm. Needless to say we are staying in for the night.
Calories consumed - 1,517
Fiber - 54 grams
Protein - 120 grams
Water - 138 oz
Monday, February 08, 2010
Happy Monday and pregnancy update! 59 days to GO!
Good morning everyone! Monday is here and we now have a new week to reach HIGH and press on towards those 2010 goals! Isn't it amazing how fast this year passing by! I know for me it has.
This week is a hard one on me as my best friend and dear husband is away overseas on a business trip. I do not like it!! Back when we were living in Russia I would go with him on his trips so this is hard being home alone and pregnant. Every time she rolls or starts pressing out again I want him to be here so see her and talk with her. He is missing her like crazy and I have a feeling it is about to get worse. He is dreading leaving on trips after she is born. We are planning on going with him on an international trip in July so that will be nice, our first family trip! It will be a learning experience as it will be our first flight with a newborn, Oh boy, that will be fun!
Before my husband left town I gave him a book called All the ways I love you. It is a recordable book from Hallmark, so cute! He read the book to our little girl and then recorded his voice and a special message for me that I could not listen to until he was gone. I have been reading it to her every night so she can hear his voice. So sweet. I am doing all I can to stay busy and so far the time is passing by quickly. My 32 week doctors apt is tomorrow morning. I will officially turn 32 weeks or 8 months pregnant on Thursday!!! That just amazes me sometimes. Soon our little angel will be here with us!
My goals are super simple for this week. My walks are getting slower and slower the further along I am. I know some women do not have a problem with Braxton Hicks contractions but for some reason when I walk, BAM, there they go! I was walking a slow 19 min mile yesterday and they started again and I had to slow it down to a 20 - 24 min mile. Goodness that is SLOW!! But at least I am out doing it. I find it funny when I read that BH contractions are painless because for me I am telling you that they are NOT fun. They are not sharp or anything but it is deep, and they are very uncomfortable. Maybe it is just me. I am drinking my water and doing all I can to make them stop. The good news is there is nothing to worry about, it is just my body getting ready for the weeks ahead. I do not want to sound as if I am complaining, that is not me, but they are annoying for sure!
Here are my goals for the week -
1. Drink 128 oz of water each day
2. Stay within calorie range - 1,500 - 1,800
3. Aim for 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day
4. Fiber - 35 grams or higher per day
5. Protein - 100 grams or higher per day
Fitness goals - Each day walk for 60 mins!
Hope your Monday is the best! Blessings!
This week is a hard one on me as my best friend and dear husband is away overseas on a business trip. I do not like it!! Back when we were living in Russia I would go with him on his trips so this is hard being home alone and pregnant. Every time she rolls or starts pressing out again I want him to be here so see her and talk with her. He is missing her like crazy and I have a feeling it is about to get worse. He is dreading leaving on trips after she is born. We are planning on going with him on an international trip in July so that will be nice, our first family trip! It will be a learning experience as it will be our first flight with a newborn, Oh boy, that will be fun!
Before my husband left town I gave him a book called All the ways I love you. It is a recordable book from Hallmark, so cute! He read the book to our little girl and then recorded his voice and a special message for me that I could not listen to until he was gone. I have been reading it to her every night so she can hear his voice. So sweet. I am doing all I can to stay busy and so far the time is passing by quickly. My 32 week doctors apt is tomorrow morning. I will officially turn 32 weeks or 8 months pregnant on Thursday!!! That just amazes me sometimes. Soon our little angel will be here with us!
My goals are super simple for this week. My walks are getting slower and slower the further along I am. I know some women do not have a problem with Braxton Hicks contractions but for some reason when I walk, BAM, there they go! I was walking a slow 19 min mile yesterday and they started again and I had to slow it down to a 20 - 24 min mile. Goodness that is SLOW!! But at least I am out doing it. I find it funny when I read that BH contractions are painless because for me I am telling you that they are NOT fun. They are not sharp or anything but it is deep, and they are very uncomfortable. Maybe it is just me. I am drinking my water and doing all I can to make them stop. The good news is there is nothing to worry about, it is just my body getting ready for the weeks ahead. I do not want to sound as if I am complaining, that is not me, but they are annoying for sure!
Here are my goals for the week -
1. Drink 128 oz of water each day
2. Stay within calorie range - 1,500 - 1,800
3. Aim for 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day
4. Fiber - 35 grams or higher per day
5. Protein - 100 grams or higher per day
Fitness goals - Each day walk for 60 mins!
Hope your Monday is the best! Blessings!
Friday, February 05, 2010
My first baby shower!

Today was my first baby shower that was given to me by my neighbors. All the ladies went out of their way to make this time SO special for me. It truly was lovely. The lunch was fantastic and the cake, WOW! It was adorable with flowers, ribbons and a little baby girl on top! The table was set with pink and white tulips along with gorgeous china. There were even little babies floating in our glasses frozen in the ice cubes...too cute!
We talked, laughed, shared, baby stories and got to know each other better. They gave me special cards filled with advice for a new Mom along with an adorable princess crown that read New Mom to be! LOL! It was so cute! I was so touched and overwhelmed with the gifts! I was not expecting so much stuff! I got everything from baby clothes, towels, a boppy, baby books, a sound machine, a baby scrapbook, pacifiers....and the list goes on! I will try and post some photos this weekend. It was a wonderful day and one that I will treasure always! My next shower will be the 27th of February. This is the one my family and close friends up in Dallas are throwing for me. I am excited as my aunt is flying in to be there and I have not seen her in about 3 years.
On the fitness front I did NOTHING today! I enjoyed my lunch and shower, ate cake and had a wonderful time! I will try and get out for a walk this evening with my husband and dog. Maybe a mile or two. I am NOT logging my calories today for obvious reasons! So today we will call it my cheat day. I deserve one right?!?! I am drinking my water and having a good dinner. Egg whites and brown rice scramble, a favorite of mine. My 32 week appointment is Tuesday morning and I hope I can have a good weigh in, I think i will be ok! I want to show a gain of 18 - 18.5 lbs. We will see what happens!
My husband is leaving tomorrow for his trip to Norway and I am not looking forward to him being gone. It will be a hard week for me. I am hoping that I can stay busy by walking, organizing, reading my baby books and working on a new blog we are doing for our family and close friends. Wednesday night I am attending my first childbirth class. I am excited but we are sad that my husband will not be there. He will only be missing the first class and bless his heart he is so sweet, he was talking about calling my cell phone so he could listen in on the class. I told him I woud take good notes for him. He has been so good making every appointment, it is hard for him not to be there.
For now I am going to enjoy my night with my precious husband before he leaves tomorrow. Have a blessed weekend everyone!
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Workout results 2/1 and Goals for 2/2
Workout results 2/1 - NOT GOOD! I did not get my workout in, well I walked for 15 mins but that is all. BAD BAD MOMMA! I did do well with my calories. Today is a new day with a fresh start and I WILL get my 60 mins of walking in today! NO EXCUSES! My problem was yesterday I got a prenatal massage before finishing my workout. Well after the massage I was SO relaxed the last thing I wanted to do was walk!
Fitness - 15 min walk
Calories consumed - 1,526
Fruits and Veggies - only one serving
Fiber - 53 grams
Protein - 123 grams
Water - 100 oz
Ok, so for today! I am going to get my walk in before doing anything else! I am going to take my water bottle with me so that I can make sure I get in my 128 oz, and I am going to eat fruits and veggies in between meals to make sure I get my 5 servings in. My 31 week doctors apt is one week from today and I want to make sure I get another good report!
Goals for 2/2 -
1. Stay within calorie range - 1,500 - 1,800
2. Drink 128 oz of water
3. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies
4. Fiber intake at least 35 grams
5. Protein intake at least 90 grams
6. Walk at least 60 mins
Fitness - 15 min walk
Calories consumed - 1,526
Fruits and Veggies - only one serving
Fiber - 53 grams
Protein - 123 grams
Water - 100 oz
Ok, so for today! I am going to get my walk in before doing anything else! I am going to take my water bottle with me so that I can make sure I get in my 128 oz, and I am going to eat fruits and veggies in between meals to make sure I get my 5 servings in. My 31 week doctors apt is one week from today and I want to make sure I get another good report!
Goals for 2/2 -
1. Stay within calorie range - 1,500 - 1,800
2. Drink 128 oz of water
3. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies
4. Fiber intake at least 35 grams
5. Protein intake at least 90 grams
6. Walk at least 60 mins
Monday, February 01, 2010
More pregnancy photos....
Here are some more pictures from the series we took the other day along with some new ones. The black and whites are a set of candid shots that we took upstairs in one of our guest bathrooms of all places! LOL! I was upstairs looking in the mirror and I turned around and my husband took my photo. From there we set up the tripod and took some memorable pictures that I just love. Sometimes these unplanned moments are the best!

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