Goals for today -
1. Water - Drink at least 128 oz - 169 oz DONE!!!
2. Fitness - Walk 6 miles - 7.02 miles DONE!
3. Food - Intake 1,800 - 2,00 calories - 1,911 DONE!!
4. Fiber - 35 grams - 25 grams DONE!
5. Protein - 70 grams - 136 grams DONE!
Daily results -
Time - 121 mins
Miles - 7.02
Calories burned - 720
Calories consumed - 1,911
Totals for the week -
Time - 136
Miles - 7.52/30
Calories burned - 776
Monday, November 30, 2009
Ultrasound photos of our precious baby!!
Well, I think it is safe to say I have made you wait long enough....

Profile of our baby girl at 19 weeks...
This is a tremendous blessing for us! We are so very excited and overwhelmed with joy! When we found out November 16th, it was one of the greatest moments we have ever experienced. The ultrasound tech asked us if we wanted to know, and of course we said YES! OH YES! She started off taking measurements of the baby and checking the various organs and so on. Then out of nowhere, she said, "It's a girl" We just started crying as we were so happy. The best news came when all of the measurements and details of the anatomy came back healthy and right on track. This was our deepest prayer, to have a healthy, strong baby...boy or girl. That evening we went out to celebrate with a nice dinner. Before leaving, I gave my husband a present. A small pink pillow with a chocolate brown and white ribbon on top. Monogrammed on the pillow, it read..."My prince did come and his name is Daddy." My husband cried and the look on his face was one I will not forget. He was having a little girl, or his little princess as he would say.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday we were able to tell our family the good news. Everyone was very excited and it served to be a wonderful reminder of all we have to be grateful for this year. My Mom and Dad were the first to know and we presented them with a picture frame with our baby girls ultrasound photo inside. The frame was white with a border of pink and white with a stroller and baby items on the frame. When my Mom opened the box her first word were, "It's pink!" Then she and my father started to cry. I know this was a moment they have waited a long time for and it was so very special to us all.
Now for the fun details! Nursery decorating, shopping etc....
Since finding out we have been on a pink shopping spree! I have found some of the cutest outfits and things for her room. This weekend we started our registry. Now, I have to say that is has been a blast! We started off registering at Pottery Barn Kids, then Babies R US and finally Target. Babies R US has a great selection but there are not as many around compared to all the Targets, so we looked there and we were pleased with the baby products they carry. Yesterday we bought our baby girl her crib and changing table. We love the crib so much! It is a sleigh crib in antique white, perfect for a little girl!
We are starting to look at colors and themes for the nursery. We found a very light pink we like for the room. With this we are thinking of doing a washed/faux antique look to the wall faint stencil patterns scattered throughout the room and or above chair railing. We love to decorate so this quite fun for my husband and me. We bought a book on nursery design so it will be fun to see what we can come up with!
I have to say that since we found out it was a girl I have been watching all my favorite movies and shows I had as a child. Everything from Little house to Pollyanna, Mary Poppins to Anne of Green Gables...I just love the idea of having a little girl! We are just in a state of joy that I cannot explain. We feel blessed, truly blessed in every way. I thank God each and every moment for my healthy baby girl. I hope to be a good Mom, one in which she can look to for guidance, love and support...always and forever.
I am now 21 weeks along and going strong! I feel wonderful. I just want to soak up each and every moment! Thank for all for sharing this precious journey with my family. Your support motivates me each day to keep going strong! Many thanks for all your emails and comments....
Blessings! My little girl and I are now off to do some more Christmas shopping!

Profile of our baby girl at 19 weeks...
This is a tremendous blessing for us! We are so very excited and overwhelmed with joy! When we found out November 16th, it was one of the greatest moments we have ever experienced. The ultrasound tech asked us if we wanted to know, and of course we said YES! OH YES! She started off taking measurements of the baby and checking the various organs and so on. Then out of nowhere, she said, "It's a girl" We just started crying as we were so happy. The best news came when all of the measurements and details of the anatomy came back healthy and right on track. This was our deepest prayer, to have a healthy, strong baby...boy or girl. That evening we went out to celebrate with a nice dinner. Before leaving, I gave my husband a present. A small pink pillow with a chocolate brown and white ribbon on top. Monogrammed on the pillow, it read..."My prince did come and his name is Daddy." My husband cried and the look on his face was one I will not forget. He was having a little girl, or his little princess as he would say.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday we were able to tell our family the good news. Everyone was very excited and it served to be a wonderful reminder of all we have to be grateful for this year. My Mom and Dad were the first to know and we presented them with a picture frame with our baby girls ultrasound photo inside. The frame was white with a border of pink and white with a stroller and baby items on the frame. When my Mom opened the box her first word were, "It's pink!" Then she and my father started to cry. I know this was a moment they have waited a long time for and it was so very special to us all.
Now for the fun details! Nursery decorating, shopping etc....
Since finding out we have been on a pink shopping spree! I have found some of the cutest outfits and things for her room. This weekend we started our registry. Now, I have to say that is has been a blast! We started off registering at Pottery Barn Kids, then Babies R US and finally Target. Babies R US has a great selection but there are not as many around compared to all the Targets, so we looked there and we were pleased with the baby products they carry. Yesterday we bought our baby girl her crib and changing table. We love the crib so much! It is a sleigh crib in antique white, perfect for a little girl!
We are starting to look at colors and themes for the nursery. We found a very light pink we like for the room. With this we are thinking of doing a washed/faux antique look to the wall faint stencil patterns scattered throughout the room and or above chair railing. We love to decorate so this quite fun for my husband and me. We bought a book on nursery design so it will be fun to see what we can come up with!
I have to say that since we found out it was a girl I have been watching all my favorite movies and shows I had as a child. Everything from Little house to Pollyanna, Mary Poppins to Anne of Green Gables...I just love the idea of having a little girl! We are just in a state of joy that I cannot explain. We feel blessed, truly blessed in every way. I thank God each and every moment for my healthy baby girl. I hope to be a good Mom, one in which she can look to for guidance, love and support...always and forever.
I am now 21 weeks along and going strong! I feel wonderful. I just want to soak up each and every moment! Thank for all for sharing this precious journey with my family. Your support motivates me each day to keep going strong! Many thanks for all your emails and comments....
Blessings! My little girl and I are now off to do some more Christmas shopping!
Workout schedule for the week...

"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success." Stephen A. Brennan
Goals for this week -
1. Drink at least 128 oz of water, but aim for 192 oz - 1.5 gallons.
2. Stay within calorie range - (1,800 - 2,000) and log all foods each day.
3. Walk 30 miles
4. Consume 70 grams of protein each day.
5. Consume 35 grams of fiber each day.
Sunday - Rest day - easy .5 mile walk - DONE!
Monday - 6 miles
Tuesday - 6 miles
Wednesday - 6 miles
Thursday - 3 miles
Friday - 6 miles
Saturday - 3 miles
Goals for today -
1. Water - Drink at least 128 oz - 33.8 oz done so far this AM....
2. Fitness - Walk 6 miles - 2.55 done this AM so far...
3. Food - Intake 1,800 - 2,00 calories
Baby blog to come later this morning....PROMISE!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A thankful heart, my 21 week pregnancy update and goals for the day...
After yesterdays amazing 10 mile walk, I am setting a goal of walking 3 miles. We are driving up to Dallas today and my parents will FINALLY get to find out the sex of their grand baby on the way!! We are looking forward to a lovely dinner and special time with them as we present them with a gift that will tell them if it is a boy or girl!
My pregnancy is still going well and I feel great. My appetite is strong, make that very strong but I find logging my foods and making goals each day a wonderful way to control cravings and overall daily consumption. I have to keep this mindset this week as we attend 2 family Thanksgivings. The fist is at my in laws. For those who do not know my husband is half Thai. His Mom is from Thailand and makes the most amazing food! So for Thanksgiving instead of the traditional turkey and dressing, she does a Thai feast! Thai food is one of my favorites so I am going to have to be every aware of how much I consume! I am doing so well and I want to be able to stay on track despite being pregnant over the holidays.
My goal of gaining 1/2 a pound a week is soon to change. In this phase of the pregnancy it is not uncommon to see weight gains of 1 lb a week. I received an email from What to Expect and other pregnancy sites and they said this week my baby will be the size of a banana! I need to really stay focused as I enter into this next phase of the pregnancy which is weight gaining time! If I can keep a steady .5 - 1 lb a week, I will be on track for my pregnancy.
I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving! I know this year my husband and I are so grateful for many things. It has been an incredible year for us. After moving back from Russia in February of this year, we were given the biggest blessing of all. In July we created a new life, our precious baby. This has been the most amazing and life changing event in our life together and it comes at a beautiful time for us. This December, we will celebrate 10 years of marriage and this anniversary will hold a very special meaning to us, unlike any other.
I am also thankful for life itself. Every morning I wake up, take a breath and give thanks to God for another day to live. Life truly is a beautiful gift. So this year I am giving thanks for many things but most of all I give thanks for my relationship with God and what it has done in not only my life but how it has blessed our marriage beyond anything we could have imagined over these past 10 years.
Goals to achieve today -
1. Drink 1.25 gallons of water - 2 liters done so far this morning....
2. Walk 3 miles - 1.55 done this morning so far....
3. Stay within 1800 - 1900 calories for the day
This weeks plan....
Monday - 10.12 mile walk - DONE!
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 3 mile walk
Thursday - Early am walk - 2 miles.....Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Friday - 2 mile walk
Saturday - 2 mile walk before heading back home.
Goal 22 miles for the week
My pregnancy is still going well and I feel great. My appetite is strong, make that very strong but I find logging my foods and making goals each day a wonderful way to control cravings and overall daily consumption. I have to keep this mindset this week as we attend 2 family Thanksgivings. The fist is at my in laws. For those who do not know my husband is half Thai. His Mom is from Thailand and makes the most amazing food! So for Thanksgiving instead of the traditional turkey and dressing, she does a Thai feast! Thai food is one of my favorites so I am going to have to be every aware of how much I consume! I am doing so well and I want to be able to stay on track despite being pregnant over the holidays.
My goal of gaining 1/2 a pound a week is soon to change. In this phase of the pregnancy it is not uncommon to see weight gains of 1 lb a week. I received an email from What to Expect and other pregnancy sites and they said this week my baby will be the size of a banana! I need to really stay focused as I enter into this next phase of the pregnancy which is weight gaining time! If I can keep a steady .5 - 1 lb a week, I will be on track for my pregnancy.
I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving! I know this year my husband and I are so grateful for many things. It has been an incredible year for us. After moving back from Russia in February of this year, we were given the biggest blessing of all. In July we created a new life, our precious baby. This has been the most amazing and life changing event in our life together and it comes at a beautiful time for us. This December, we will celebrate 10 years of marriage and this anniversary will hold a very special meaning to us, unlike any other.
I am also thankful for life itself. Every morning I wake up, take a breath and give thanks to God for another day to live. Life truly is a beautiful gift. So this year I am giving thanks for many things but most of all I give thanks for my relationship with God and what it has done in not only my life but how it has blessed our marriage beyond anything we could have imagined over these past 10 years.
Goals to achieve today -
1. Drink 1.25 gallons of water - 2 liters done so far this morning....
2. Walk 3 miles - 1.55 done this morning so far....
3. Stay within 1800 - 1900 calories for the day
This weeks plan....
Monday - 10.12 mile walk - DONE!
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 3 mile walk
Thursday - Early am walk - 2 miles.....Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Friday - 2 mile walk
Saturday - 2 mile walk before heading back home.
Goal 22 miles for the week
Monday, November 23, 2009
Workout results 11/23
I did it! I walked 10.12 miles today and that is NOT including all the walking around shopping I did! I had to break my walks up into 4 different sessions outside from the early morning to an evening walk. I am so proud I surpassed my goal for the day! Now I am off to take a bath and let my husband massage my tired feet!
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.25 gallon of water - DONE!!!
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!!!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!!!
Daily Totals -
Time - 166 mins - 10.12 mile walk
Calories burned - 1,011
Calories consumed - 1,862
Weekly Update -
Miles - 10.12/22
Calories burned - 1,011
Fitness minutes - 166
Monday - 10.12 mile walk - DONE!
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 3 mile walk
Thursday - Early am walk - 2 miles.....Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Friday - 2 mile walk
Saturday - 2 mile walk before heading back home.
Goal 22 miles for the week
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.25 gallon of water - DONE!!!
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!!!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!!!
Daily Totals -
Time - 166 mins - 10.12 mile walk
Calories burned - 1,011
Calories consumed - 1,862
Weekly Update -
Miles - 10.12/22
Calories burned - 1,011
Fitness minutes - 166
Monday - 10.12 mile walk - DONE!
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 3 mile walk
Thursday - Early am walk - 2 miles.....Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Friday - 2 mile walk
Saturday - 2 mile walk before heading back home.
Goal 22 miles for the week
Goals for today and this weeks schedule...
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." - Epictetus
Goals to achieve today -
1. Drink 1.5 gallons of water
2. Walk 9 miles - 1.55 done so far this am - 7.45 miles left to go
3. Stay within 1800 - 1900 calories for the day
Next weeks plan....MUST stay on track for this week and watch out for too much turkey!
Monday - 9 mile walk
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 3 mile walk
Thursday - Early am walk - 2 miles.....Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Friday - 2 mile walk
Saturday - 2 mile walk before heading back home.
Sunday - 3 mile walk -
Goal 24 miles for the week
Goals to achieve today -
1. Drink 1.5 gallons of water
2. Walk 9 miles - 1.55 done so far this am - 7.45 miles left to go
3. Stay within 1800 - 1900 calories for the day
Next weeks plan....MUST stay on track for this week and watch out for too much turkey!
Monday - 9 mile walk
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 3 mile walk
Thursday - Early am walk - 2 miles.....Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Friday - 2 mile walk
Saturday - 2 mile walk before heading back home.
Sunday - 3 mile walk -
Goal 24 miles for the week
Friday, November 20, 2009
20 week pregnancy update! Half way there...
Yesterday my husband and I attended our 20 week doctors appointment. The good news is we received more positive feedback from the doctor! In regards to my health, everything is on track. My weight gain, fundal height, blood pressure and over all well being is going very well. He said once again how impressed he was at how good I am doing with my exercise, nutrition and weight gain.
I am now half way through my pregnancy and it leaves me with many emotions. My first is a feeling of excitement because I am even closer to meeting my precious baby. However I am also a bit sad. I LOVE being pregnant and it is just going by so fast. To be honest, I wish it could last longer. I know some of you are thinking I am crazy but it is a feeling I cannot describe. I used to think if I was ever pregnant I would be counting down the days until I could be myself again but now, I feel totally different. I am a Mother to be and I wake up every morning with a purpose. I no longer workout for the sole purpose of reaching a PR, burning a certain amount of calories or even training for a race. Instead, I exercise for the health of my baby and to ensure that I am the very best that I can be for my child. I love the feeling of knowing that through God's wonderful blessing, we have created life together. So yes, I am sad, I am half way through this life changing and beautiful journey I have been on. The good news is soon, I will old my baby in my arms and begin a new journey, one that I am sure will be beyond anything I could have ever dreamed.
The doctor confirmed what the ultrasound showed us on Monday. The baby's health is wonderful! The weight, length, heart, spine, brain etc....are perfect and developing well for 20 weeks. My next appointment is December 17th which will be my 6 month checkup along with the standard glucose test for gestational diabetes. I am not too concerned with this but apparently it is done for everyone to ensure all is well.
After my appointment yesterday I went shopping and got my hair highlighted and I developed a terrible headache. I came home and went to bed at 6 pm! I was hurting so bad. But after a good nights rest, I feel far better today. As a result I was only able to get in 1 mile yesterday but at least it was something. As a result I am off my miles for the week so I have posted the new schedule I will be following.
Monday - 1 mile walk - DONE!
Tuesday - 4 mile walk - DONE!
Wednesday - 6 mile walk - DONE!
Thursday - 1 mile walk - DONE!
Friday - 2 mile walk
Saturday - 3 mile walk
Sunday - 3 mile walk
Goal 20 miles for the week
Monday - 3 mile walk
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 3 mile walk
Thursday - REST! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Friday - 3 mile walk
Saturday - REST!
Sunday - 3 mile walk -
Goal 15 miles for the week
I am now heading out this morning to buy our Turkey and all the yummy ingredients for our Thanksgiving we are having this weekend. It will just be my husband and I as we are going to Dallas to see the family on Tuesday. This weekend we are continuing a tradition we started 10 years ago when we were first married. We decorate while listening to the Carpenters Christmas Album and then we watch White Christmas and my favorite Little House on the Prairie Christmas special...yes, I am a huge fan! The wassail will be on the stove all weekend, pumpkin bread in the oven and I am sure many carols being sung throughout the house!
Off to shop for a perfect Turkey,Christmas lights and cranberries! Blessings to all of you...
I am now half way through my pregnancy and it leaves me with many emotions. My first is a feeling of excitement because I am even closer to meeting my precious baby. However I am also a bit sad. I LOVE being pregnant and it is just going by so fast. To be honest, I wish it could last longer. I know some of you are thinking I am crazy but it is a feeling I cannot describe. I used to think if I was ever pregnant I would be counting down the days until I could be myself again but now, I feel totally different. I am a Mother to be and I wake up every morning with a purpose. I no longer workout for the sole purpose of reaching a PR, burning a certain amount of calories or even training for a race. Instead, I exercise for the health of my baby and to ensure that I am the very best that I can be for my child. I love the feeling of knowing that through God's wonderful blessing, we have created life together. So yes, I am sad, I am half way through this life changing and beautiful journey I have been on. The good news is soon, I will old my baby in my arms and begin a new journey, one that I am sure will be beyond anything I could have ever dreamed.
The doctor confirmed what the ultrasound showed us on Monday. The baby's health is wonderful! The weight, length, heart, spine, brain etc....are perfect and developing well for 20 weeks. My next appointment is December 17th which will be my 6 month checkup along with the standard glucose test for gestational diabetes. I am not too concerned with this but apparently it is done for everyone to ensure all is well.
After my appointment yesterday I went shopping and got my hair highlighted and I developed a terrible headache. I came home and went to bed at 6 pm! I was hurting so bad. But after a good nights rest, I feel far better today. As a result I was only able to get in 1 mile yesterday but at least it was something. As a result I am off my miles for the week so I have posted the new schedule I will be following.
Monday - 1 mile walk - DONE!
Tuesday - 4 mile walk - DONE!
Wednesday - 6 mile walk - DONE!
Thursday - 1 mile walk - DONE!
Friday - 2 mile walk
Saturday - 3 mile walk
Sunday - 3 mile walk
Goal 20 miles for the week
Monday - 3 mile walk
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 3 mile walk
Thursday - REST! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Friday - 3 mile walk
Saturday - REST!
Sunday - 3 mile walk -
Goal 15 miles for the week
I am now heading out this morning to buy our Turkey and all the yummy ingredients for our Thanksgiving we are having this weekend. It will just be my husband and I as we are going to Dallas to see the family on Tuesday. This weekend we are continuing a tradition we started 10 years ago when we were first married. We decorate while listening to the Carpenters Christmas Album and then we watch White Christmas and my favorite Little House on the Prairie Christmas special...yes, I am a huge fan! The wassail will be on the stove all weekend, pumpkin bread in the oven and I am sure many carols being sung throughout the house!
Off to shop for a perfect Turkey,Christmas lights and cranberries! Blessings to all of you...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Workout results 11/18
Quick post for tonight, I am so tried and ready for bed and it is only 6 pm!!! It was a good day. My blister was a bit better but even after buying some special pads for it, I still had issues. It is on the back heel of my right foot and when I walk, it just hurts so bad. I was still able to do 6 miles for the day! Yea! I had to break the miles up between a morning walk and an afternoon walk due to my foot but I still made it and that is what matters! So far I am on track with my miles for the week so I am hoping by Sunday I will reach my 20 miles.
Miles for the week - 11.08/20
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.25 gallon of water - 124 oz done so far....(updating as I drink more)
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!
Daily Totals -
Time - 99 mins - 6 mile walk
Calories burned - 610
Calories consumed - 1,969
Miles for the week - 11.08/20
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.25 gallon of water - 124 oz done so far....(updating as I drink more)
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!
Daily Totals -
Time - 99 mins - 6 mile walk
Calories burned - 610
Calories consumed - 1,969
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Workout results 11/17
My walk for yesterday and today was hard. On Sunday I decided to wear some super cute shoes to church and it gave me a blister on my right foot. I was hurting so bad yesterday I could only do 1 mile. Today was a bit better but my pace was slow. I am hoping that tomorrow that it will be better. I was going to try to do another 2 miles tonight but I am calling it a day as my foot hurts. Other than that, the day was wonderful! I felt fantastic!
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.25 gallon of water - 140 oz done so far....(updating as I drink more)
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!
Daily Totals -
Time - 68 mins - 4 mile walk
Calories burned - 406
Calories consumed - 1,887....pre-logged dinner for tonight.
Fitness Schedule for this week - Complete at least 20 miles of walking. So far this week - 5/20 miles done
Monday - 1 mile walk (blisters on feet) - DONE!
Tuesday - 4 mile walk - DONE!
Wednesday - 4 mile walk
Thursday - 4 mile walk
Friday - 4 mile walk along with ST
Saturday - 3 mile walk
Sunday - Rest
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.25 gallon of water - 140 oz done so far....(updating as I drink more)
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!
Daily Totals -
Time - 68 mins - 4 mile walk
Calories burned - 406
Calories consumed - 1,887....pre-logged dinner for tonight.
Fitness Schedule for this week - Complete at least 20 miles of walking. So far this week - 5/20 miles done
Monday - 1 mile walk (blisters on feet) - DONE!
Tuesday - 4 mile walk - DONE!
Wednesday - 4 mile walk
Thursday - 4 mile walk
Friday - 4 mile walk along with ST
Saturday - 3 mile walk
Sunday - Rest
Monday, November 16, 2009
The best moment of our life. Ultrasound and pregnancy update....
Today was by far one of the most amazing moments of our life! This morning we had another ultrasound of our baby to determine not only the sex, but to assess the fetal anatomy. The good news is that the baby is SUPER healthy in every way! From the brain to the spine and heart. We were able to view details of the brain, bones, kidneys, hands, feet, face.....everything! It was amazing! A true miracle from God. We were first and foremost wanting to make sure the baby was healthy and are so thankful to God that all is going well. The baby was kicking like crazy, grasping on to the umbilical cord and so on. To see this was beyond words. We were crying, laughing and holding each other in amazement. The lady who was performing the ultrasound said like 3 or 4 times how active my baby was! Maybe I do have a little triathlete on my hands!
Now for the part were I make everyone wait....SO SORRY! I am going to tell my family the sex of the baby at Thanksgiving so in order to keep things a surprise I am holding off telling online friends for now. I know, I know, I make you wait and then make you wait some more! SOOOO sorry!! Hope everyone understands but I have family members who read my blogs and I want to be able to call everyone and tell them first instead of them reading it online.
For our parents we are telling them in person on the 24th. We are buying a gift for them and when they open it, they will obviously know if it is a boy or girl! We are both only children so this is a HUGE moment for the grandparents and I want them to be able to share in the good news first. Now, as soon as my family knows I will broadcast it from the rooftops and we will also post the ultrasound photos as well. I cannot tell you what your emails and comments have meant to me. Thanks SO much for supporting me during this time.
I finished my morning shopping for the baby and now I am waiting for my husband to finish a meeting then we are off to do some more and celebrate tonight with a special dinner.
I am heading out now for a walk, my baby needs me to continue with my fitness schedule!
Thanks again for all your amazing support! More photos to come soon....
Now for the part were I make everyone wait....SO SORRY! I am going to tell my family the sex of the baby at Thanksgiving so in order to keep things a surprise I am holding off telling online friends for now. I know, I know, I make you wait and then make you wait some more! SOOOO sorry!! Hope everyone understands but I have family members who read my blogs and I want to be able to call everyone and tell them first instead of them reading it online.
For our parents we are telling them in person on the 24th. We are buying a gift for them and when they open it, they will obviously know if it is a boy or girl! We are both only children so this is a HUGE moment for the grandparents and I want them to be able to share in the good news first. Now, as soon as my family knows I will broadcast it from the rooftops and we will also post the ultrasound photos as well. I cannot tell you what your emails and comments have meant to me. Thanks SO much for supporting me during this time.
I finished my morning shopping for the baby and now I am waiting for my husband to finish a meeting then we are off to do some more and celebrate tonight with a special dinner.
I am heading out now for a walk, my baby needs me to continue with my fitness schedule!
Thanks again for all your amazing support! More photos to come soon....
Friday, November 13, 2009
A busy weekend...
In a few hours I have my cousin and her husband coming to see us so I am blogging early today. I have pre-logged our dinner for tonight as we are grilling here at the house. Tomorrow my husband and I are going to Resistance Festival then Sunday we are going to finish painting and doing random thing around the house. Monday morning is our doctors apt where we finally get to find out the sex of our baby! I cannot wait!!!
I am going to try and get in another 2 or 3 miles today if I can get back from the store in time before they arrive. If not, then this weekend I will make up the miles. I have already met my 20 mile goal of the week so I guess if I needed to I could take today off.
Hope everyone has a blessed weekend and I will report back on Monday on how our doctors apt went.
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.25 gallon of water - only 1/2 gallon done so far
2. Complete scheduled workout - Rest day or maybe 2 mile walk if I can...
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - pre-logged all meals - 1,936 calories for the day.
I am going to try and get in another 2 or 3 miles today if I can get back from the store in time before they arrive. If not, then this weekend I will make up the miles. I have already met my 20 mile goal of the week so I guess if I needed to I could take today off.
Hope everyone has a blessed weekend and I will report back on Monday on how our doctors apt went.
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.25 gallon of water - only 1/2 gallon done so far
2. Complete scheduled workout - Rest day or maybe 2 mile walk if I can...
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - pre-logged all meals - 1,936 calories for the day.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Workout results 11/12
Another strong day but as a result I am once again ready for bed, so this will be a short post. Here are my 4 day totals for the week as well as my results from today.
Weekly Totals - (M,T,W,TH)
Time - 394 mins
Calories burned - 2,492
Miles completed - 20.01...already reached my goal for the week!!
Daily Totals -
Time - 103 mins
Calories burned - 650
Calories consumed - 2,060
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.25 gallon of water - DONE!
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE! 6.25 miles walked today!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!!!
Workout 1 - AM walk - 4.25 mile walk/16:57 mm pace
Time - 72 mins
Calories burned - 448
Workout 2 - PM walk - 2 mile walk/15:39 mm pace
Time - 31 mins
Calories burned - 201
Weekly Totals - (M,T,W,TH)
Time - 394 mins
Calories burned - 2,492
Miles completed - 20.01...already reached my goal for the week!!
Daily Totals -
Time - 103 mins
Calories burned - 650
Calories consumed - 2,060
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.25 gallon of water - DONE!
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE! 6.25 miles walked today!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!!!
Workout 1 - AM walk - 4.25 mile walk/16:57 mm pace
Time - 72 mins
Calories burned - 448
Workout 2 - PM walk - 2 mile walk/15:39 mm pace
Time - 31 mins
Calories burned - 201
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Workout results 11/11
Another great day! Not as hard of a workout as other days but I was able to get a strong walk in and stay on track with all my goals! Tomorrow I am hoping for another strong day. My goal is to walk 4 miles and get some ST in as well. As of now, I am now ready for bed!!! This little pregnant lady is TIRED!
Daily Totals -
Time - 65 mins
Calories burned - 395
Calories consumed - 1,863
Distance totals for the week - 13.76 miles/20
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.5 gallon of water - DONE! I am going to float away...LOL
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!!!
Workout - 3 mile walk followed by 20 mins of yoga.
Time - 45:09 mins
Mile 1 - 16:01
Mile 2 - 15:27
Mile 3 - 14:01
Daily Totals -
Time - 65 mins
Calories burned - 395
Calories consumed - 1,863
Distance totals for the week - 13.76 miles/20
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.5 gallon of water - DONE! I am going to float away...LOL
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!!!
Workout - 3 mile walk followed by 20 mins of yoga.
Time - 45:09 mins
Mile 1 - 16:01
Mile 2 - 15:27
Mile 3 - 14:01
Pregnancy Update...
Things are going very well for me. My energy is high and cravings seem to be in control. I have seen a HUGE difference in my energy levels, stamina and eating when I drink at least 128 oz of water. On days that I fall short, I am just not the same. I have now increased my water intake to 192 oz or 1.5 gallons a day. I am walking and working out longer and so my body and baby need to be hydrated! It is amazing the difference staying hydrated can make with snacking and eating throughout the day. I find myself very much in control by drinking a large amount of water with a piece of Ezekiel bread with some peanut butter or cottage cheese and fruit.
In terms of my workouts, I am very pleased with how my body is performing on my walks and runs. My runs are SLOW, and I do mean slow but I am in control and feel very balanced, well as of now! I usually run intervals were I watch my HR and stop once it has reached a certain point, then walk again to regain lower my HR and start again. My knee has been bothering me a bit but that is normal. If you followed my progress prior to my pregnancy you know that I have several knee issues so I guess the extra weight gain is taking its toll on my knee. I think it is time to break out the foam roller again! Oh joy!
Now for the numbers! I am almost 19 weeks now, just a few more days! I cannot believe that the BIG 20 week mark is only a week away! 5 months pregnant! It does not seem possible. It is just going by so fast.
Ok, here are my stats...
19 weeks - Weight gain total for pregnancy - 11.8 pounds
Chest - 5.5 inches gained
Stomach - 10 inches gained
Hips - 2.5 inches gained
Thighs - 1 inch LOSS! Yea!!
Arms - measurements the same
As far as the weight gain, I am ok with it. I just need to keep eating well, logging my calories, and exercising. My goal is to gain 25 - 30 pounds during this pregnancy. I am pleased with the areas I am gaining. I was very surprised to see how my thighs have gone down! I have been doing leg work along with all my walking and running so I am hoping that has helped. It could also be a loss of muscle in that i am not biking as I was before. When I was doing my triathlons over the summer my thighs were VERY toned, more than ever so that may be a factor in the loss. Regardless, I am happy with the progress and plan on continuing the leg work as long as I can throughout the pregnancy. Gotta have toned legs....even with a big baby belly! LOL
I am doing well this week with my miles. My goal is to walk/run 20 miles a week and so far I am at 13.76. I hope I can continue doing 20 miles a week throughout the rest of my pregnancy as it has really made a difference.
In terms of my workouts, I am very pleased with how my body is performing on my walks and runs. My runs are SLOW, and I do mean slow but I am in control and feel very balanced, well as of now! I usually run intervals were I watch my HR and stop once it has reached a certain point, then walk again to regain lower my HR and start again. My knee has been bothering me a bit but that is normal. If you followed my progress prior to my pregnancy you know that I have several knee issues so I guess the extra weight gain is taking its toll on my knee. I think it is time to break out the foam roller again! Oh joy!
Now for the numbers! I am almost 19 weeks now, just a few more days! I cannot believe that the BIG 20 week mark is only a week away! 5 months pregnant! It does not seem possible. It is just going by so fast.
Ok, here are my stats...
19 weeks - Weight gain total for pregnancy - 11.8 pounds
Chest - 5.5 inches gained
Stomach - 10 inches gained
Hips - 2.5 inches gained
Thighs - 1 inch LOSS! Yea!!
Arms - measurements the same
As far as the weight gain, I am ok with it. I just need to keep eating well, logging my calories, and exercising. My goal is to gain 25 - 30 pounds during this pregnancy. I am pleased with the areas I am gaining. I was very surprised to see how my thighs have gone down! I have been doing leg work along with all my walking and running so I am hoping that has helped. It could also be a loss of muscle in that i am not biking as I was before. When I was doing my triathlons over the summer my thighs were VERY toned, more than ever so that may be a factor in the loss. Regardless, I am happy with the progress and plan on continuing the leg work as long as I can throughout the pregnancy. Gotta have toned legs....even with a big baby belly! LOL
I am doing well this week with my miles. My goal is to walk/run 20 miles a week and so far I am at 13.76. I hope I can continue doing 20 miles a week throughout the rest of my pregnancy as it has really made a difference.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Workout results 11/10
I did well with my workouts today, then after I was done I treated myself to another prenatal massage. I just love getting those! So far I am doing really well, no back pain, aches or pains. I can only pray that it continues to be this way the rest of the pregnancy! I am almost 19 weeks now and I have to say, it feels amazing to be pregnant, far better than I thought it would be!
For my walk this morning I carried 5 lb DBs in each hand and did curls and shoulder work for 2.03 miles! It was a great burn! I then dropped the DBs and ran/walked the rest of the distance. My ST was good today but my arms where feeling fatigued after this mornings walk with the weights. Yesterday I drank 1.5 gallons of water and today I am aiming to do the same. I am already at 1 gallon so tonight I need to get in the other 64 ounces. My massage therapist said I need to be sure and get it in as I need more water on massage days in addition to my workouts.
Daily Totals -
Time - 108 mins
Calories burned - 664
Calories consumed - 1,960
Distance totals for the week - 10.73 miles/20
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.5 gallon of water - DONE!
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!!!
Workout for the day - 3.16 mile morning walk/slow run followed by ST
2.03 mile walk with 5 lb DBs - 17:38 mm pace - total time - 35 mins
1 mile run/walk without DBs - 14:21 pace with a .13 mile cool down - total time - 17:21mins
PM walk - Slow walk with husband and dog
Time - 36 mins
Calories burned - 173
Strength Training -
Pushups close grip - 2 sets of 10 reps
Pushups diamond - 2 sets of 10 reps
Alternating DB curls - 2 sets of 20 reps with 18.5 lb DBs
Bicep curls with squat - 2 sets of 50 reps with 5 lb DBs
Front raise with squat - 2 sets of 10 reps with 5 lb DBs
Laying down Tricep extensions - 2 sets of 20 reps with one 18.5 lb DB
One arm bent over row - 2 sets of 10 reps with one 18.5 lb DB
Shoulder press with squat - 2 sets of 10 reps with 5 lb DBs
Squats - 2 sets of 50 reps
Single leg squats - 2 sets of 20 reps
For my walk this morning I carried 5 lb DBs in each hand and did curls and shoulder work for 2.03 miles! It was a great burn! I then dropped the DBs and ran/walked the rest of the distance. My ST was good today but my arms where feeling fatigued after this mornings walk with the weights. Yesterday I drank 1.5 gallons of water and today I am aiming to do the same. I am already at 1 gallon so tonight I need to get in the other 64 ounces. My massage therapist said I need to be sure and get it in as I need more water on massage days in addition to my workouts.
Daily Totals -
Time - 108 mins
Calories burned - 664
Calories consumed - 1,960
Distance totals for the week - 10.73 miles/20
Daily Goals -
1. Drink 1.5 gallon of water - DONE!
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE!!!
Workout for the day - 3.16 mile morning walk/slow run followed by ST
2.03 mile walk with 5 lb DBs - 17:38 mm pace - total time - 35 mins
1 mile run/walk without DBs - 14:21 pace with a .13 mile cool down - total time - 17:21mins
PM walk - Slow walk with husband and dog
Time - 36 mins
Calories burned - 173
Strength Training -
Pushups close grip - 2 sets of 10 reps
Pushups diamond - 2 sets of 10 reps
Alternating DB curls - 2 sets of 20 reps with 18.5 lb DBs
Bicep curls with squat - 2 sets of 50 reps with 5 lb DBs
Front raise with squat - 2 sets of 10 reps with 5 lb DBs
Laying down Tricep extensions - 2 sets of 20 reps with one 18.5 lb DB
One arm bent over row - 2 sets of 10 reps with one 18.5 lb DB
Shoulder press with squat - 2 sets of 10 reps with 5 lb DBs
Squats - 2 sets of 50 reps
Single leg squats - 2 sets of 20 reps
Monday, November 09, 2009
Workout results 11/9
Totals for the day -
Time - 118 mins
Calories burned - 784
Today was so fantastic! I started off the day running errands followed by a LONG walk, then some quick pushups and yoga. For my walk I did something different for today. After walking almost 2 miles I walked back to my house and got my wallet and a big bottle of water and walked to the store. I needed to get some hot peppers for tonight's chili and so i figured it was far better to walk there instead of driving. The store is only about 1.5 miles away so it was the perfect distance. On the way back from the store I felt amazing. The breeze was lovely and I was enjoying walking through the paved trails with the massive pines around me. All of the sudden off to my side there where 2 baby deer standing there in the front yard of someones home. Now, this is quite common here as where we live as it is very wooded and they are all over the place. This time they froze and just stared at me ( maybe they were in awe of my big pregnant belly! LOL) and they allowed me to get closer and closer! They were SO beautiful! I said Hi and one started to run away, then after speaking to the next one, he left as well.
I finished my walk with a short stroll with my dog and finished this morning walking 6 miles! A great start to the week for sure! I have also pre-logged my dinner for tonight and therefore I am on track for my calories for today! I am making a Chicken and white bean chili along with Mexican cornbread! YUM! After burning so many calories today, this little pregnant lady is HUNGRY! Which is one reason why I pre-log, to keep me accountable for my portions so I do not just eat whatever for dinner. Even when pregnant, you always have to be in control of what you eat and how much of it you consume!
I have to get cookin as my husband will be home soon! I hope everyone has a lovely night!
Daily goals -
1. Drink 1 gallon of water - 90 oz done already - 30 oz to go before dinner....
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE! 2,013 calories consumed
Workout for the day - 6 mile morning walk - 98 mins/ 16:29 mm avg pace followed by 20 mins of yoga and ST - Pushups - 60 reps total -
Close grip - 2 sets of 10 reps
Diamond - 2 sets of 10 reps
Wide fly - 2 sets of 10 reps
Time - 118 mins
Calories burned - 784
Today was so fantastic! I started off the day running errands followed by a LONG walk, then some quick pushups and yoga. For my walk I did something different for today. After walking almost 2 miles I walked back to my house and got my wallet and a big bottle of water and walked to the store. I needed to get some hot peppers for tonight's chili and so i figured it was far better to walk there instead of driving. The store is only about 1.5 miles away so it was the perfect distance. On the way back from the store I felt amazing. The breeze was lovely and I was enjoying walking through the paved trails with the massive pines around me. All of the sudden off to my side there where 2 baby deer standing there in the front yard of someones home. Now, this is quite common here as where we live as it is very wooded and they are all over the place. This time they froze and just stared at me ( maybe they were in awe of my big pregnant belly! LOL) and they allowed me to get closer and closer! They were SO beautiful! I said Hi and one started to run away, then after speaking to the next one, he left as well.
I finished my walk with a short stroll with my dog and finished this morning walking 6 miles! A great start to the week for sure! I have also pre-logged my dinner for tonight and therefore I am on track for my calories for today! I am making a Chicken and white bean chili along with Mexican cornbread! YUM! After burning so many calories today, this little pregnant lady is HUNGRY! Which is one reason why I pre-log, to keep me accountable for my portions so I do not just eat whatever for dinner. Even when pregnant, you always have to be in control of what you eat and how much of it you consume!
I have to get cookin as my husband will be home soon! I hope everyone has a lovely night!
Daily goals -
1. Drink 1 gallon of water - 90 oz done already - 30 oz to go before dinner....
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE! 2,013 calories consumed
Workout for the day - 6 mile morning walk - 98 mins/ 16:29 mm avg pace followed by 20 mins of yoga and ST - Pushups - 60 reps total -
Close grip - 2 sets of 10 reps
Diamond - 2 sets of 10 reps
Wide fly - 2 sets of 10 reps
A little motivation for this Monday morning...
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Weekend report and next weeks schedule...
First things first. Here is my plan for this week -
Sunday - Rest
Monday - 4 mile walk with ST
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 4 mile walk with ST
Thursday - 3 mile walk
Friday - 4 mile walk with ST
Saturday - 2 mile walk
Sunday - Rest
Now onto the fun stuff!! This weekend was so much fun. My parents came down and were so happy to see me and my ever growing baby belly! They could not believe it! I think after seeing my husband and I married for 10 years and not really planning on having children, they as soon to be grandparents are in shock.....and SO excited! Oh, I should mention that my husband and I are BOTH only children so this really is a BIG deal for both sets of parents!
My mom and I went to the Christmas markets, baby stores and so on while my Dad and my husband worked on the house. We are painting the upstairs and downstairs right now in preparation for the baby. We picked out a beautiful color for my gym room called of all things Jogging Path! Ha! How cool is that?!?! The study is now a wonderful shade of dark cranberry red we found called Crabby Apple and it is the perfect color for what I wanted! We are decorating the study very dark with low lamps and dark woods so the deep red I feel wil really go well with the ambiance we going for.
At the Christmas market I bought this amazing candlelabra that is over 6 ft tall and holds 7 candles for my entry way, oh it is jus lovely! I am a candle nut so finding this made my day! I can just see it now draped with ribbons and garland for the holidays!!! We bought a few more things for the house and then heading off to the baby store the following day. We found a few more cribs that we liked and now we will have to wait and see if we are having a boy or girl before we decide which to buy! Only 8 more days and we will know!
In terms of my walks, my mom and I did an easy 4 miler on Friday which made my total for the week only 10.55. So I did not reach my goal for the week. This week I really need to get back on track with my walking, not only for me but for my growing baby! I feel fantastic and so happy! My husband and I both feel extremely blessed at this moment and are thanking God for every second we are able to share together. The closeness you feel to your husband as you are carrying his baby is something I cannot describe. I love it in every way! He is my world and now I have this little life that we created together growing inside, and it truly is a miracle. Our love and our life, will never be the same and we could not be happier.
Reminiscing.....our last trip to London, December 2008
Sunday - Rest
Monday - 4 mile walk with ST
Tuesday - 3 mile walk
Wednesday - 4 mile walk with ST
Thursday - 3 mile walk
Friday - 4 mile walk with ST
Saturday - 2 mile walk
Sunday - Rest
Now onto the fun stuff!! This weekend was so much fun. My parents came down and were so happy to see me and my ever growing baby belly! They could not believe it! I think after seeing my husband and I married for 10 years and not really planning on having children, they as soon to be grandparents are in shock.....and SO excited! Oh, I should mention that my husband and I are BOTH only children so this really is a BIG deal for both sets of parents!
My mom and I went to the Christmas markets, baby stores and so on while my Dad and my husband worked on the house. We are painting the upstairs and downstairs right now in preparation for the baby. We picked out a beautiful color for my gym room called of all things Jogging Path! Ha! How cool is that?!?! The study is now a wonderful shade of dark cranberry red we found called Crabby Apple and it is the perfect color for what I wanted! We are decorating the study very dark with low lamps and dark woods so the deep red I feel wil really go well with the ambiance we going for.
At the Christmas market I bought this amazing candlelabra that is over 6 ft tall and holds 7 candles for my entry way, oh it is jus lovely! I am a candle nut so finding this made my day! I can just see it now draped with ribbons and garland for the holidays!!! We bought a few more things for the house and then heading off to the baby store the following day. We found a few more cribs that we liked and now we will have to wait and see if we are having a boy or girl before we decide which to buy! Only 8 more days and we will know!
In terms of my walks, my mom and I did an easy 4 miler on Friday which made my total for the week only 10.55. So I did not reach my goal for the week. This week I really need to get back on track with my walking, not only for me but for my growing baby! I feel fantastic and so happy! My husband and I both feel extremely blessed at this moment and are thanking God for every second we are able to share together. The closeness you feel to your husband as you are carrying his baby is something I cannot describe. I love it in every way! He is my world and now I have this little life that we created together growing inside, and it truly is a miracle. Our love and our life, will never be the same and we could not be happier.
Reminiscing.....our last trip to London, December 2008
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Workout results 11/4 and 11/5
Yesterday I did not get my workout in. I stayed busy...VERY busy all day around town shopping for food as we have my family coming in today. Today I went for a 3 mile slow run/walk. I am off of my mileage for this week but I am hoping next week I will get back to where I was.
Results 11/4 -
1. Drink 1 gallon of water - Did not meet goal - drank 1/2 gallon
2. Complete scheduled workout - Did not do...
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE! 1,757 calories consumed
Results 11/5 -
1. Drink 1 gallon of water - Not yet...will post back after today.
2. Complete scheduled workout - YES! DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - pre-logged all meals - 1,929 calories for the day
Workout for the day - 3 mile morning walk/slow run
Time - 44:41 mins/ 14:54 mm avg pace
Calories burned - 325
Results 11/4 -
1. Drink 1 gallon of water - Did not meet goal - drank 1/2 gallon
2. Complete scheduled workout - Did not do...
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE! 1,757 calories consumed
Results 11/5 -
1. Drink 1 gallon of water - Not yet...will post back after today.
2. Complete scheduled workout - YES! DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - pre-logged all meals - 1,929 calories for the day
Workout for the day - 3 mile morning walk/slow run
Time - 44:41 mins/ 14:54 mm avg pace
Calories burned - 325
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Workout results 11/3
A very short blog for tonight! I am doing very well, staying active and feeling fantastic! I just came home from a day of Christmas shopping! SO much FUN! We bought a tree for the formal dinning room, it is just beautiful and different than anything we have seen! Now I just need to buy the other 2 for the house. Looking forward to having Christmas in our new home and pregnant with our first baby. SO many things to be thankful for! I feel truly blessed!
Keep reaching and going strong everyone!
Daily goals -
1. Drink 1 gallon of water - DONE!
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE! 2,201 calories consumed
Workout for the day - 3.1 mile morning walk
Time - 49 mins/ 16:03 mm avg pace
Calories burned - 313
Keep reaching and going strong everyone!
Daily goals -
1. Drink 1 gallon of water - DONE!
2. Complete scheduled workout - DONE!
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE! 2,201 calories consumed
Workout for the day - 3.1 mile morning walk
Time - 49 mins/ 16:03 mm avg pace
Calories burned - 313
Monday, November 02, 2009
Workout results 11/2
I am gearing up this week for a visit from my Mom and Dad! We are really excited as it will be the first time my parents will have seen me since I became pregnant! My mom and I are going to a Christmas market while my Dad and husband paint around the house.
I did not get my workout in today as I was busy moving stuff from the office to the game room upstairs.So even though I did not get my scheduled workout in I was very active all day. I am excited about finally having the study and gym room painted! Now, I can set up my gym before the baby is here. I have a big feeling my traditional gym days will be limited for the first few months after having the baby and so this home gym will be the best thing to help me loose my weight.
I will need to get back on track tomorrow morning with my walks in order to reach my mileage for the week. I did do very well on my meals for the day, eating about every 2-3 hours small meals like cottage cheese and pineapple with 1/2 of an apple. I find it helps my cravings to always snack on healthy foods along with drinking my water.
In terms of my pregnancy, I am still doing very well. We are now counting down the days until we find out if we are having a boy or girl....14 days left!! We are looking forward to going shopping the minute we leave the doctors office!
Have a blessed night!
Daily goals -
1. Drink 1 gallon of water - 1/2 gallon done as of now, will finish by tonight.
2. Complete scheduled workout - did not do - worked around the house.
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE! 1,826 calories consumed...pre-logged dinner (chicken gumbo, spinach salad and protein shake)
I did not get my workout in today as I was busy moving stuff from the office to the game room upstairs.So even though I did not get my scheduled workout in I was very active all day. I am excited about finally having the study and gym room painted! Now, I can set up my gym before the baby is here. I have a big feeling my traditional gym days will be limited for the first few months after having the baby and so this home gym will be the best thing to help me loose my weight.
I will need to get back on track tomorrow morning with my walks in order to reach my mileage for the week. I did do very well on my meals for the day, eating about every 2-3 hours small meals like cottage cheese and pineapple with 1/2 of an apple. I find it helps my cravings to always snack on healthy foods along with drinking my water.
In terms of my pregnancy, I am still doing very well. We are now counting down the days until we find out if we are having a boy or girl....14 days left!! We are looking forward to going shopping the minute we leave the doctors office!
Have a blessed night!
Daily goals -
1. Drink 1 gallon of water - 1/2 gallon done as of now, will finish by tonight.
2. Complete scheduled workout - did not do - worked around the house.
3. Log foods and stay on track with calories - DONE! 1,826 calories consumed...pre-logged dinner (chicken gumbo, spinach salad and protein shake)
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Workout schedule 11/1 - 11/8
Goals for the week -
1. Walk/run - 20 miles
2. Burn 2,000 calories for the week
3. Drink at least 120 oz of water a day
4. Log all foods and stay within caloric range
Plan for the week -
Sunday - Day off
Monday, Wednesday - Walk/run 3 miles along with ST
Tuesday, Thursday - Walk/run 4 miles
Friday, Saturday - Walk/run 3 miles
Sunday - Day off
1. Walk/run - 20 miles
2. Burn 2,000 calories for the week
3. Drink at least 120 oz of water a day
4. Log all foods and stay within caloric range
Plan for the week -
Sunday - Day off
Monday, Wednesday - Walk/run 3 miles along with ST
Tuesday, Thursday - Walk/run 4 miles
Friday, Saturday - Walk/run 3 miles
Sunday - Day off
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